Archive for the ‘Tanzania’ Category

Fighting Global Poverty: The right thing to do; the right thing for America

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

Recent events have focused increased attention on how closely the world’s economies are dependent on one another to achieve global prosperity and security.  At the Millennium Challenge Corporation, we can see first-hand how poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere.  Finding long-term solutions to fight the problem of global poverty is not simply the right thing to do, it’s also the most expedient thing to do - for the men and women of our partner countries and for our long-term economic stability here in America.

MCC announced this week that another $2.55 billion in U.S. Government poverty-reduction grants had entered into force in Lesotho, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, and Tanzania.  This means that these programs are now entering the implementation phase, joining 11 other compacts already being implemented around the world.  Over the next five years, the work of design, preparation, training, construction, and monitoring and evaluation will take place in a number of sectors that will bring tangible results for the people of these regions.  In Morocco, this means more efficient fisheries.  In Tanzania, it means improved rural roads.  In all our partner countries, it means a transparent process where the communities have a voice in these projects.  The flow of money is scrutinized in a transparent manner, and all segments of society - with a special emphasis on women - will have a chance to participate and prosper in their local economies.

In Washington, I was pleased to see our friends in Congress again show their strong support for MCC’s mission to reduce poverty through economic growth.  Legislation introduced by Chairman Donald Payne of the House Subcommittee on Africa, and a letter authored by Congressmen Adam Smith (D-WA) and Christopher Shays (R-CT), signed by 36 of their colleagues, place a premium on confronting global poverty with smart, results-based programs.

I had the opportunity to brief many of you following the MCC Board of Directors meeting held earlier this month.  The meeting touched on a number of important subjects, including MCC programs in Georgia.  I was also happy to announce the approval of Threshold programs in Rwanda and a Stage II (second) Threshold program with Albania.  We look forward to public events marking the signing of these programs in mid-October.

As our work with our partners continues, we at MCC are proud to be delivering foreign assistance in the name of the American people in a way that conveys our trust and vision for a more prosperous world.  MCC’s new logo, developed at the suggestion of the U.S. Congress and many of our stakeholders, helps convey this partnership.  It is a partnership that has an impact in the lives of the poor in dozens of countries, and is a smart use of hard-earned taxpayer money.

The Consultative Process: From Diaspora Communities, To Partner Countries, To Congress

Friday, February 29th, 2008

MCC headquarters, for those of you who haven’t visited us yet, is a relatively small space designed to house the 300 people who work in our organization. Its size notwithstanding, we maintain an open-door policy and welcome as many individuals and groups as possible to learn about MCC, our ongoing projects in partner countries, and to talk about how we can learn together from this process and tackle the problem of systemic poverty worldwide. Just this week, over 260 people have been in our offices, as we hosted public outreach sessions: one celebrating our most recent $698 million compact with Tanzania signed by President Bush and President Kikwete, and one focusing on ongoing implementation progress with our $461 million compact with El Salvador.

I view these meetings as a continuation of the all-important and all-inclusive consultative process — something we expect from our countries as a hallmark of our model, and something MCC does here in the U.S. with our stakeholders. This process doesn’t end when compacts are signed or in implementation, and our public discussions are indicative of this commitment.

We explored investment opportunities in Tanzania this week, so that private- sector investments can complement MCC efforts and encourage deeper long-term growth. Small- and medium-sized companies, including those owned and operated by minorities and women, came to ask questions about our work and how they can get involved. Together with the government of El Salvador and Vice Minister Margarita Escobar, we explored similar areas of opportunity in the northern region of El Salvador. The message of the meeting was clear: There are exciting things happening in this region of El Salvador because of MCC’s work through FOMILENIO (the local entity responsible for implementing MCC’s $461 million grant) and investors are the ones who can help the people increase the pace in their battle against poverty. We heard about Salvadorans who are building new tourism projects, investing millions of private dollars that are leveraged by MCC’s public investment in roads, education, and training. We are very excited to see the Salvadoran diaspora taking advantage of these opportunities by investing in their home country and creating hundreds of jobs, and more important, generating hope for the poor people living in El Salvador’s Northern Zone.

The consultative process is more than just meetings with investors and stakeholders from our partner countries. This week I testified before the House Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations in what could also be considered part of this open, transparent dialogue on MCC. The hearing was — as it should be —rigorous and probing, and allowed MCC to talk to one of its most important stakeholders, the US Congress, about our progress to date and our plans for the future. I am keenly aware that the funds we at MCC administer are taxpayer investments. When you are before a group of elected officials, as I was on Tuesday, you must demonstrate how your organization is fulfilling its mission. I was proud to be able to tell Congress that MCC is doing what it was designed to do: helping countries reduce poverty and sustain growth, based on a sound foundation of good government policies. I was pleased to note the positive and encouraging reaction of certain committee members and told the group as a whole that we welcome further dialogue with them — as we do with all our stakeholders — on MCC’s work. That’s what makes this a real consultative process and guides us in fulfilling our mission in even better ways.

Joining Forces with Friends like DFID to Fight Poverty

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

This has been an exciting few days for MCC. President Bush signed our largest compact to date, with Tanzania, in Dar es Salaam this past weekend, bringing unprecedented attention to what MCC is achieving with partner countries—poverty reduction through sustained growth. The comments made by both President Bush and President Kikwete during the signing ceremony capture what I believe is already clear through our work: People expect and demand results and accountability for these funds, for reforms that will bring about prosperity and stability. Poverty reduction is so much more complex than a single program or a single effort. It requires solid policy reforms to establish the institutional foundation upon which these investments can be based. I am currently in London en route from Africa back to the United States and have had the chance to speak with the international press regarding the MCC. One thing that clearly struck a chord with journalists ranging from the BBC to major media outlets in the pan-Arab press was that MCC’s work is a clear manifestation that the U.S. isn’t “imposing” anything on these countries. The poverty reduction proposals come from the countries themselves. We cannot force a country to adopt a project or a policy reform that does not come from the partners. Only this way will they have the backing and wherewithal to flourish. I told the press that MCC, together with the historic investments in programs on the African continent, are a clear statement that the President, the U.S. Congress, and the American people understand the urgency for poverty reduction in Africa. America grasps the extent of the problem and we are working to address it.

While in London, I met with UK Secretary of State for International Development, Douglas Alexander MP, to sign a memorandum of understanding to solidify cooperation between our two organizations. Our work together has been extremely positive to date, and this new agreement will help the two organizations—whether in the field, in places like Africa, or at headquarters, in London or Washington—better share data, and work through coordinated programs. The agreement demonstrates a willingness at the highest levels in our governments to deepen our already positive collaboration. The agreement strengthens practical cooperation in Africa where concrete cooperation is already underway. It also addresses sector and technical cooperation issues ranging from infrastructure to growth diagnostics to impact analyses. It makes sense that our two organizations should look for ways to work together. We owe it to our respective taxpayers whose funds we administer. Poverty reduction is a bigger problem than any one country—or any single donor—can handle on its own. I am pleased that the agreement I signed with DFID does more than more than just talk about coordination. It is a tangible example of donor coordination.

I am returning to Washington from my trip to Morocco having witnessed firsthand the potential of one very unique aspect of our compact there—the support for artisans, tourism development, and the environment in Fez Medina. This innovative component of the compact will enable artisans to increase the quality of their goods by supporting access to training and support in much-needed areas such as: modern production techniques, business management, access to bank and microcredit loans, the construction of modern, environmentally friendly kilns, and pottery workshops. While only a portion of the $698 million MCC compact with Morocco, it speaks volumes about how integrated strategies in poverty reduction affect multiple sectors, groups of people, and have great potential for growth. I was struck by the historical beauty of these crafts. Even more impressive, however, was the desire of the Moroccan artisans to transform something of beauty into something that will transform their long-term well-being. Helping craftsmen conserve their traditions while prospering from the process is a scenario where not just the Moroccans, but all of us, win.