The Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) is the consortium of the nonprofit academic libraries within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Members include all of Virginia's state-assisted colleges and universities, as well as 33 private, nonprofit institutions and the Library of Virginia.

VIVA Benefits Virginia

VIVA levels the academic playing field across the Commonwealth (more...)

VIVA advances research enterprise within Virginia (more...)

VIVA sets the gold standard for efficient use of taxpayer dollars (more...)

VIVA's contribution to the quality of education in Virginia is appreciated by students and faculty at all levels of higher education (more...).

Member Spotlight

Virginia Military Institute

Virginia Military Institute

Founded in 1839, the Virginia Military Institute is a four- year undergraduate college awarding B.A. and B.S. degrees. VMI is the nation's first state military college.

Highlighting Special Collections

The Randolph H. Lytton Historical Postcards of Fairfax, Virginia Collection at George Mason University

This collection serves as a window on the not-so-distant past for the City of Fairfax, Virginia. It features mainly Fairfax businesses, institutions, government buildings, and other places of interest. Many of the cards depict Fairfax places of lodging, particularly those along the Route 29 / Route 50 corridor. The collection contains about 200 color and black and white postcards.