Logo of the USDA Forest Service, Caring for the Land and Serving the People Logo of the USDA Forest Service, Caring for the Land and Serving the People USDA Logo and Forest Service Shield

US Forest Service
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington DC 20250-0003

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The most effective strategy against invasive species is to prevent them from ever being introduced and established. Preventive measures typically offer the most cost-effective means to minimize or eliminate environmental and economic impacts. Prevention relies on a diverse set of tools and methods, including education. The Forest Service has a wealth of experience and skills within its own organization in addition to those available through numerous collaborators. As an agency capable of working across the landscape and with international partners, the Forest Service is in a good position to lead efforts to prevent potential invaders.

Our emphasis will be to identify and protect forests and grasslands that have not been invaded by invasive species. Prevention includes education and outreach to raise the awareness of the invasive species problem and reduce the chance of unintentional introduction of invasive species. By enlisting the skills of our science and education programs, we can achieve a successful invasive species prevention awareness campaign on a national scale. Establishing effective domestic and international partnerships is also critical for effective prevention programs.

Prevention through Education


Insect and Disease Prevention

Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention

Prevention Research

Technological Developments to Prevent Invasive Species

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Last modified: Monday, 17-Nov-2008 11:25:11 EST