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Projects in the SE/A Region 2001-2006

2006 Projects   2005 Projects  2004 Projects  2003 Projects   2002 Projects   2001 Projects

Projects are listed by start date

Funded in 2006

March 2006

Marion General Hospital
Katrina Relief Award

The award will be used to replace equipment damaged by Katrina.
Start Date: March 28, 2006
End Date: June 30, 2006

Hancock Medical Center
Katrina Relief Award

The award will be used to purchase computers for the physicians, internet connection, reference texts and a MISHIN membership.
Start Date: March 26, 2006
End Date: June 30, 2006

Medical Foundation of South Mississippi
Katrina Relief Award

The award will be used for computers, connections and a MiSHIN membership.
Start Date: March 17, 2006
End Date: September 30, 2006

Gulf Coast Research Laboratory
Katrina Relief Award

The Gunter Library of the Gulf Coast Research Laboratory will use the award to purchase computer equipment, a MiSHIN membership and basic health science text destroyed in the hurricane.
Start Date: March 14, 2006
End Date: April 30, 2006

LMA of Hancock Medical Center
Katrina Relief Award

The LMA anesthesiology group at Hancock Medical Center will use the award to purchase equipment and textbooks lost in the hurricane.
Start Date: March 14, 2006
End Date: September 30, 2006

February 2006

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center - White Marsh Project
The Harison Library staff will work with the Physicians at White Marsh practice consisting of 12 adult physicians and 4 pediatricians. The library staff will provide health information website brochures, flyers and signs to be displayed in the waiting areas, encouraging patients to begin their quest for health information on the web with MedlinePlus. Additionally a computer would be located in one of the adult patient waiting areas. The computer would have Internet access. MedlinePlus would be set as the home page. Two times a month, a library staff person would spend a few hours sitting at the computer and helping and demonstrating to patients how to search for healthy information.
Start Date: February 1, 2006
End Date: April 30, 2006

January 2006

Memorial Hospital at Gulfport
Katrina Relief Award

The award will be used to purchase computer equipment for patient access.
Start Date: January 30, 2006
End Date: July 31, 2006

William Carey College Libraries
Katrina Relief Award

The award will be used to purchase computer equipment for the Gulfport campus library damaged in Hurricane Katrina.
Start Date: January 27, 2006
End Date: July 31, 2006

Bay St. Louis Pediatrics
Katrina Relief Award

Office flooded by over 3 feet of water during Hurricane Katrina computer equipment and half of textbooks destroyed (including Nelson's Pediatrics, Basil & Zitelli Atlas, Park's Pediatric Cardiology, Capute & Accardo Developmental Disability in Pediatrics) 4/5 of personal files of photocopied and clipped journal articles, accumulated over 8 years, also destroyed. Funds will be used to replace texts and for a membership in MisHIN.
Start Date: January 15, 2006
End Date: June 15, 2006

Garden Park Medical Center
Katrina Relief Award

The facility flooded and computer equipment in the physician's library was damaged and needs to be replaced. Funds will be used for replacement equipment and a membership to MisHIN.
Start Date: January 15, 2006
End Date: June 15, 2006

University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Library
Katrina Relief Award

On August 29, 2005 hurricane Katrina struck the Mississippi Gulf Coast and destroyed the first floor of the library which housed the serials and microform collections, and the 24/7 computer lab. It is the only university library on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and is open to the public. The loss of our serials, microform, computers, printers, and scanners puts the Coast community at a serious disadvantage in accessing electronic resources that will be vital to their success. Funds will be used to replace computers and to purchase several medical reference texts.
Start Date: January 15, 2006
EndDate: June 15, 2006

Southeastern Lifestyle Fitness Center
Community Connections Award

This library improvement will be managed by the Southeastern Regional Medical Center of Lumberton, NC.
Start Date: January 2, 2006
End Date: April 30, 2006

Mercer University - Georgia
The "Georgia Health - Go Local" project will be implemented in phases, beginning with the incorporation of existing databases, services and resources. The GRID database (Georgia Rural Health Interactive Directory) at the Medical College of Georgia ( will be the first. They will then import the United Way of Central Georgia’s 2-1-1 records as a pilot for the rest of Georgia’s 2-1-1 information and referral services ( Once these resources have been successfully utilized as the basis for "Georgia Health - Go Local", they will systematically begin to collect and add resources county by county across the state.
Start Date: January 1, 2006
End Date: April 30, 2006

Funded in 2005

September 2005

East Tallapoosa Medical Foundation, Inc.
Community Connections Award

East Tallapoosa Medical Foundation, Inc will install equipment to provide health information services to a large rural, minority population, low income seniors, high school studetns and under or uninsured persons.
Start Date: September 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

King's Daughter's Medical Center
Community Connections Award

King's Daughter's Medical Center will purchase equipment to provide health information services in support of their outreach mission to schools, churches, community groups, colleges, businesses and industry.
Start Start Date: September 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

LifeLines Community Native American Program
Community Connections Award

LifeLines Community Native American Program will purchase equipment to provide health information services to Native Americans in Baltimore's southeast neighborhoods.
Start Date: September 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

MaFlo's Health and Awareness Team
Community Connections Award

MaFlo's Health and Awareness Team will purchase equipment to provide health information from their beauty salon in Georgetown, SC.
Start Date: September 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2005

People's Intergalactic Food Conspiracy No. 1
Community Connections Award

People's Intergalactic Food Conspiracy No. 1/ The Co-op will install equipment to provide health and wellness information.
Start Date: September 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2005

Spry Foundation
The Spry Foundation will develop an effective, easily implemented model-training program to be used by Edgewood Terrace senior residents in Washington, DC to access and successfully use MedlinePlus and The developed model should be readily adaptable by other senior housing and community programs.
Start Date: September 12, 2005
End Date: March 30, 2006

West Virginia Health Right, Inc.
Community Connections Award

West Virginia Health Right, Inc. will purchase equipment to provide health information to patients in their free clinic in Charleston, WV.
Start Date: September 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

Women Watch Afrika, Inc.
Community Connections Award

Women Watch Afrika, Inc will install equipment to provide health information services to African refugees and immigrants.
Start Date: September 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

August 2005

24/7 Gateway Homeless Service Center
Saint Joseph's Hospital of Atlanta 
Library Improvement Project

The award will be used to purchase equipment and connections to improve information services at 24/7 Gateway Homeless Services Center, Atlanta, GA. Directed by the Bellman Library staff.
Start Date: August 17, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

July 2005

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center - Health Promotion in the Community
The staff of the Harrison Medical Library at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center will provide classes and presentations on locating quality health information via the Web to groups throughout the Baltimore metropolitan area. Presentations and hands-on classes will be offered covering such topics as healthy living; cancer; alternative health; caregivers; healthy sites for children, women, and seniors. All classes will emphasize MedlinePlus as a starting place for locating quality health information. In addition to the classes and presentations, a brochure listing healthy Web sites will be distributed to participants. The brochure will be printed in both English and Spanish.
Start Date: July 1, 2006
End Date: April 30, 2006

Magnolia Coastlands AHEC - Southeast Georgia Web Presence project
The Magnolia Coastlands Area Health Education Center (MCAHEC) proposes to expand its relationship with the Public Health Departments within the 16-county Southeast Health Unit (SEHU.) This project builds on the initial work of the Web Presence for Public Health Departments (WPPHD) subcontract awarded to the Georgia State Wide AHEC Network. While the WPPHD project focused on heath departments for 16 counties across the State, only 2 counties from the SEHU, the Southeast Georgia Web Presence Project will target 4 more Public Health Departments within the SEHU. The purpose will be to create a Web presence for individual public health departments in 4 counties within the SEHU and to arrange workshops on cultural competency that will benefit the Public Health Department personnel in serving the area’s growing Hispanic population. In addition, they will introduce, train, and provide technical assistance to public health personnel in utilization of health information resources provided by the National Library of Medicine. The Web sites will promote each county office’s services, contact information, local health events, pertinent health information, and links to local, state, and federal databases. The MCAHEC Outreach Librarian will offer the public health professionals library services to keep them up-to-date in their professions. The Outreach Librarian will provide training on how to locate consumer health information available in English and Spanish plus how to navigate the Public Health Web site.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

Morehouse School of Medicine - Consumer Health and Toxicology Information Project
Morehouse School of Medicine Multi-Media Center Library (MMCL) will partner with five branch libraries of the Atlanta/Fulton County Public Library System (AFCPLS) to increase patron awareness of and skills in using National Library of Medicine (NLM) online health information resources. MMCL librarians will train a cadre of AFCPLS librarians in consumer health and toxicology resources to provide support and assistance in meeting their patrons’ health information needs.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

New Hanover County Public Library - Health Information in the Community Project
New Hanover County Public Library proposes to establish an outreach project aimed at improving access to health information for the whole community, but with special emphasis on certain high-risk and significantly underserved segments of a diverse population The first phase of the project will serve the community in general, by offering classes in basic computer skills and locating reliable health information on the Internet. These classes will be held in a variety of locations such as community centers, health centers, libraries, and faith communities. The second phase will reach specific groups in underserved and at-risk populations. They will identify organizations and individuals serving people in these groups and work with them to establish resource centers where key personnel will be trained to assist people in finding basic health information. The centers will provide computer access for people in the community and classes will be held for community members as needed. They propose to provide training to a wide range of people including librarians, teachers, health professionals, and the general public, thereby capturing those who research independently and those who can assist others in their respective communities. By taking this dual approach, all of the target populations will be positively impacted by this outreach project. Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

St. Elizabeth's Hospital - Planning for Health Enhancement through Literacy
This is a planning project for a larger initiative that will ultimately address the health education and literacy needs of the St. Elizabeths patient community and immediate outpatient community. Objectives of this project are to 1) create an informed base of health professionals knowledgeable of the importance of health literacy 2) recruit a core of engaged end-users and community organizations to assess the needs for health literacy in their community and 3) work with those interested parties and other related entities throughout the city to develop a health literacy program in Ward 8.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

Three Rivers AHEC - One Church - One Computer Project
Three Rivers Area Health Education Center (AHEC) in collaboration with District Four Health Services, Chronic Disease Prevention Program will provide computers and training on how to locate quality consumer health information to seven churches that are participating in the District’s Health Promotion Specialist (HPS) Project. The seven churches selected to participate in this project have active on-going health ministries that target diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and other preventable and/or treatable diseases through preventive measures, i.e. exercise, diet, and wellness monitoring.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

Three Rivers AHEC - Statewide Outreach to GA Healthcare Providers
Three Rivers AHEC in partnership with the Georgia State AHEC Program Office, GaIN (Georgia Interactive Network) and Georgia Academy of Family Physicians (GAFP), proposes an intensive outreach effort to health professionals in Georgia to promote the awareness of NLM’s Information Rx project and increase usage of MedlinePlus. The project will provide information about the Information Rx project and MedlinePlus to a minimum of 900 health care providers throughout the state. They will provide mini-swards to critical access or rural hospitals to conduct patient education/consumer health information fairs focusing on Medlineplus and Information RX. Also, they will conduct continuing educational programs on patient education and consumer health resources in regional medical center throughout the state to health professional staff.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

University of Alabama Birmingham - Healthy Spirit 2
UAB will build on the momentum begun with the Healthy Spirit Jefferson County project, begun in 2002, as a means of addressing and eliminating some of the barriers encountered by African American residents in accessing accurate, up to date health information on the Internet. The Health InfoNet of Alabama cooperative consumer health information network, with the oversight of the UAB School of Public Health’s “Congregations for Public Health” program will conduct this project. Funding will be used to purchase computers, printers and fax machines for selected neighborhood churches, as well as training materials to be used in training health information facilitators at the churches. In addition a series of health workshops at introductory health fairs designed to raise awareness of the project and to generate interest within the targeted communities is planned.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

University of South Carolina - Information Intermediary Workshops and Development Project
Faculty of the School of Library and Information Science will deliver multipart workshops on the provision of consumer health information services to librarians and others who provide such services. A series of four regionally distributed sessions will feature a suite of five of the existing NN/LM courses, including as the last segment “¿No Comprende? Spanish Health Information Resources for English Speaking Librarians.” Workshop attendees will form the core of a group of respondents who will inform the process of building a set of direct-to-consumer workshops on consumer health information, with particular concern for building a curriculum for recent Hispanic immigrants and their families.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

University of Virginia - Connecting Congregations Project
The Claude Moore Health Sciences Library (CMHSL) at the University of Virginia in collaboration University of Virginia School of Nursing, Roanoke Valley Baptist Association and the Health Ministries Association in Richmond Virginia, will undertake a project to expand access to Internet technology for five parish nurses in Central Virginia in order to facilitate connections between these health care practitioners as well as to help them access quality health and patient care information for their rural congregations. Nurses will be trained in use of online resources such as NLM’s MedlinePlus for patient and consumer health information, the Partners in Public Health Information Access Web site for rapid access to public health data, and PubMed for access to biomedical journal literature. Other online sites such as, a local site for health and aging resources in Virginia, will be introduced to the participants. Various methods to initiate and maintain connections between nurses and the library will be initiated and participants will be evaluated as to their preferences for each method. The nurses will be trained to use a portable projector (purchased with subcontract funds) as well as presentation software in order to facilitate their capacity to develop individualized presentations and share information about medical issues to groups of parish members. Information obtained will be used to identify best practices for future information project development with parish nurses and others working within faith-based communities.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

Virginia Commonwealth University - Virginia Information Rx/Women's Health Clinic project
The primary goal of the VCU Information Rx Evaluation Project is to identify the barriers perceived by physicians to filling information prescriptions and to explore patient’s actual ability and desire to fill such prescriptions. The differences between physicians’ perceptions and those of their patients will be compared. Strategies to encourage physician and patient participation in the Information Rx Project will be highlighted for librarians’ and health educators’ use.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: March 31, 2006

Western Maryland AHEC - West Virginia Outreach Project
The Western Maryland AHEC in partnership with the Northern WV Rural Health Education Center (NWV RHEC) and the Eastern West Virginia AHEC (based in Martinsburg), through which they will involve students in West Virginia University’s Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) program. The project will improve access to electronic health information for librarians, health professionals and their patients, public school students, the faith community, and the community at large in some of the very rural and underserved counties of West Virginia. It will assist West Virginians in finding quality health information over the Internet through an extensive training program.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

Wicomico County Health Department
Electronic Access to Health Information for the Public, Phase 2

The Wicomico County Health Department (WiCHD) will build on their previous work, the Electronic Health Information for the Public program to improve health care access and information to all citizens and professionals in the county. The overall goal of this project is to improve access to health/wellness/disability-related information for the affected community and their caregivers by expanding public education. The goals of the Wicomico County Health Department’s project include improving delivery of health information to county residents who suffer from health disparities and need access to technology.
Start Date: July 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

June 2005

Johns Hopkins University
Maryland Public Health Practitioners Information Access & Use

The goal of the proposed study is to better understand the information needs of public health practitioners and the library resources and services required for meeting those through a pilot conducted in two county health departments in Maryland. Library staff will offer information training, access to the Welch Library's licensed electronic resources as well as those in the public domain through an individually tailored web portal, MyWelch, and consulting services of a professional librarian to two County Health Departments in the State of Maryland. In association with these services and using a unique combination of methodologies, they will collect and analyze data on the participants' information needs and use. From the data analysis, they will define a core set of resources for public health practice and suggest licensing and access models for these
.State Date: June 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

May 2005

St. Croix Vocational School
Library Improvement project

The funds will be used to enhance the medical information center for nurses. Equipment, electronic resources and connections will be funded.
Start Date: May 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2005

April 2005

Poarch Band of Creek Indians
Community Connections Award

The award will be used to purchase computers to be placed in the Diabetic Foot Clinic and the Health Education Room for use by the public.
Start Date: April 1, 2005
End Date: March 31, 2006

February 2005

University of Maryland
MedlinePlus Go Local

The Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL) at the University of Maryland serves both the healthcare professional and the consumer. In addition to the main HS/HSL web site, which lists resources that are not available to the general public due to licensing agreements, staff developed a distinct site aimed at Maryland consumers of health information. This site contains locally developed consumer resources, links to local health information and other free resources available to the general public. The purpose of the site was to bring together health and life topics, referral information, and regional information for consumers. This site will be further developed with local resources and be linked to NLM’s GoLocal product. The Maryland Go Local project team will draw on their experience of identifying local information for the HS/HSL consumer health site.
State Date: February 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

Medical University of South Carolina
MedlinePlus Go Local

The libraries of South Carolina’s two medical schools, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine (USC) are proposing a Go Local capability for Hands on Health-SC ( Hands on Health-SC is a consumer health Web site the libraries have developed in partnership over the last three years. Identifying health resources throughout the state and making them searchable by location and service has been a goal of Hands on Health since its inception. Indeed, Health Resources in South Carolina is one of the major sections of the site.
Start Date: February 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

University of Alabama
MedlinePlus Go Local

Health InfoNet of Alabama (a University of Alabama at Birmingham-sponsored project) is a cooperative consumer health information service of the UAB Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences and the Jefferson and Shelby County Public Libraries. Health InfoNet started in 1999 as Health InfoNet of Jefferson County, and changed its name in 2002 after expanding its service area to Shelby County. The ultimate goal is to expand the service statewide. The Health InfoNet website ( has always played a key role, particularly as a referral source to local health information resources and providers, as well as to premier national resources such as MedlinePlus. This site will be further developed with local resources and be linked to NLM’s GoLocal product.
Start Date: February 1, 2005
End Date: April 30, 2006

Funded in 2004

December 2004

Tuskegee University
This project supports a collaborative arrangement between Tuskegee University and several area churches, the Tuskegee-Macon County Public Library and the Macon County Parish Nurse Program to improve access to health information for predominantly minority, underserved residents of a rural community through information technology. The project will support the development and implementation of a comprehensive program designed to educate individuals to retrieve quality health information. A major component of this project will be training faculty, students, and staff from Tuskegee University, and representatives from faith-based institutions to retrieve information from the National Library of Medicine’s health databases.
Start Date: December 1, 2004
End Date: April 30, 2006

Wayne Memorial Hospital
East Carolina University 

Library Improvement Project
This award will allow the Wayne Memorial Hospital to upgrade its technological infrastructure to include equipment and a computerized library catalog. East Carolina University will direct this project.
Start Date: December 1, 2004
End Date: November 30, 2005

November 2004

Palm Beach County Library System
Consumer Health Information Partners

The Community Health Information Service (CHIS) of the Palm Beach County Library System will provide training in the use of online consumer health information resources.The target population includes the Latino community and to health care professionals in Palm Beach County. Training will include the use of MedlinePlus and the Community Health Information Service web site.
State Date: November 1, 2004
End Date: October 31, 2005

Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
Community Health Information Partners

Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System (SRHS) will develop and provide education to members of the SRHS Congregational Nursing Program (CNP). Emphasis will be on the effective use of authoritative Internet health information resources such as MedlinePlus and Hands on Health-SC, as well as SRHS Health Sciences Library contact and service information, including the use of Loansome Doc for efficient document delivery. The educational session will be followed by site visits to member organizations and ongoing support via telephone, email, and the CNP Newsletter.
Start Date: November 1, 2004
End Date: March 31, 2006

University of North Carolina
NC AHEC Library and Information Service Network Training and Outreach Initiative Project

The North Carolina Area Health Education Center Library and Information Services Network (NC AHEC LIS Network), will raise awareness of AHEC library services among health professionals in North Carolina and conduct training's on using online resources available through the National Library of Medicine, the AHEC Digital Library and NC Health Info. The proposed project consists of a statewide cooperative outreach effort among AHEC libraries and will build upon the outreach efforts of each individual library.
Start Date: November 1, 2004
End Date: January 31, 2006

October 2004

Foothills Area Health Education Center
Web Presence for Public Health Departments

The Georgia Statewide AHEC Outreach Librarians will partner with sixteen (16) individual county Public Health Departments to create web sites and provide training for the staff and clients in each county. This project will build on the strengths developed through previous activities: the PHOENIX Project, cybercafe, exhibiting at annual meetings, Internet Access grants, and training of health professionals within the public health departments.
Start Date: October 1, 2004
End Date: September 30, 2005

George Washington University
Partners for Health Information V

Partners for Health Information V (Partners) will (1) implement and assess programs to integrate online health information resources in District of Columbia community health centers for staff and patients, and (2) facilitate Health Information Partners, HIPS, the new coalition of health information programs in the metropolitan Washington area. This coalition involves 18 regional organizations, including community based health organizations, the DC Public Library, university departments, an academic library, health centers, and the District’s adult education agency. The goal of this coalition is to promote health literacy and health information advocacy among working class residents who have less experience with online technology and online health information.
Start Date: October 1, 2004
End Date: September 30, 2005

Medical University of South Carolina
Hands on Health for South Carolinians Training Project

Through connections made over the past two years at statewide meetings and Community Leaders Institutes, MUSC proposes to offer workshops to schools, community groups, youth organizations, senior centers and churches. In these workshops, they will teach participants how to use the Internet for accessing health information and provide training on both MEDLINEplus and their consumer health Web site, Hands on Health-SC, which highlights the major health issues of South Carolinians. The classes will be available all over South Carolina, especially in rural and minority communities.
Start Date: October 1, 2004
End Date: April 30, 2006

September 2004

Ciudadanos Preocupados por la Educacion
Community Connections Award

Ciudadanos Preocupados por la Educacion will install equipment at the center to enable the provision of information services.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: August 31, 2005

East Tennessee State University
Access to Electronic Information Project

ETSU will extend health information training to public library personnel, health professionals and the public health workforce in 17 counties in Northeast Tennessee. They expand their HealthInfo Express@Your Library service and promote NN/LM membership.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: April 30, 2006

Gulfcoast North Area Health Education Center
Access to Electronic Information Project

The GNAHEC will partner with the University of South Florida AHEC Program, and All Children’s Hospital to expand and support the Florida School Nurse Project web site to include training and access to online health information on the Internet.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: September 30, 2005

Medical Center of Central Georgia
The Health Resource Center Library Project

MCCG and Three Rivers AHEC will extend their community health outreach efforts to address the problem of low health literacy. They will expand the Library web site, provide educational opportunities, and develop a CME/CE program, on Health Literacy for health professionals in six counties.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: September 30, 2005

Medical University of South Carolina
REACH 2010 Faith-in-Health Initiative

REACH 2010 Faith-in-Health Library Initiative will partner urban/rural, inter-denominational African American churches, multi-type libraries, community organizations, and diabetes coalitions to develop a health information seeking skills-building program.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: April 30, 2006

Medical University of South Carolina
Partnering for Progress: Allendale on the Move

As a follow up to a recent community assessment in Allendale, the project will offer seminars and workshops focused on the relative dangers of high priority diseases and on use of the Internet as a source of credible health information, and organize and promote a community-wide health competition in conjunction with an existing community event, aimed at developing a more active, and thus more healthy, citizenry.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: February 28, 2006

Medical University of South Carolina
REACH 2010 Charleston and Georgetown Diabetes Coalition Rural Health eAccess Project

This project will strengthen a partnership among African American community organizations, multitype libraries, and lay community health advisors to develop an educational program to train a cadre of volunteers to use Internet and library resources to search, find, and disseminate reliable, quality health information about diabetes and its related complications. This project will build a collection of recommended diabetes information Web resources, educate community members on how to use these resources, and measure project participants’ use of, preference for and satisfaction with selected resources.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: February 28, 2006

Mississippi Valley State University
eHealth: Promoting Health and Wellness Project

The James Herbert White Library, in partnership with Golden Age, Inc. and the Boys and Girls Club of the Mississippi Delta, will establish a program to train youth and senior adults in LaFlore County to locate and use electronic health information.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: November 30, 2005

Northwest Area Health Education Center
Access to Electronic Health Information for School Nurses Project

Northwest AHEC Library Network will provide school nurses in Rowan and Forsyth counties with equipment, connectivity and knowledge in the use of electronic health resources. They provide passwords to the NC AHEC Digital Library and training in use of the electronic health resources.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: February 28, 2006

Orange County Library System
Healthy Connections Through OCLS

Through web meetings, online and in person courses and television programming, OCLS will improve access to and understanding of electronic health information for Orange County residents and 13 Neighborhood Centers for Families.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: February 28, 2006

St. Galilee Outreach Ministry
Community Connections Award

The St. Galilee Outreach Ministry, Inc will install equipment at the ministry to enable the provision of information services.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: August 31, 2005

Saint Thomas Hospital
CHIPS Project

The Community Health Information Partners will connect rural and specialized libraries with hospital libraries to expand the level of health information available to consumers in Middle Tennessee. A web-based catalogue searchable by the public is planned.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
Ending Date: February 28, 2006

University of Tennessee Health Science Center
METEOR Project

This project will connect health professionals, their patients and the general public to the health information resources they need with technical ease using PDAs. Pharmacy students will be involved in the training, consulting and partnering activities.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: April 30, 2006

Virginia Commonwealth University
C.O.I.N. Project

VCU and partners will implement and publicize COIN, the Community Health Information Network to increase access to high quality health information for the greater Richmond metropolitan area’s high-risk population. COIN seeks to strengthen the relationships among its multiple participating health information organizations and to link them with community agencies, train “intermediate” users and use prescription pads for promotion.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: February, 28, 2006

Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Access to Electronic Health Information for Children and Parents

The Carpenter Library and its partners will focus on improving access to pediatric electronic health information for children and families receiving care at Brenner Children’s Hospital and publicize the Forsyth County Public Library as a source for consumer health information in the region.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: August 31, 2005

Wicomico County Free Library
Life Options Community Project

WCFL and its partners will provide a program for seniors in the county. Seniors can attend classes on electronic health information, use resources on their own, have access to technology, staff assistance, and peer support in their own space in the Library and at other locations in the county.
Start Date: September 1, 2004
End Date: February 28, 2006

August 2004

George Washington University
School Nurse Information Outreach Project

Will partner Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library with the Arlington, VA School Health Bureau to provide training and increased access to health information for the public health nurses working in the schools. The project will provide an assessment of information users, and their information needs, electronic resources, information resources training, and a web portal.
Start Date: August 1, 2004
End Date: April 30, 2006

July 2004

Public Health Foundation
Evaluation of the Health People 2010 Information Access web site

The Public Health Foundation will promote and conduct a formal evaluation of the Healthy People 2010 Information Access (HP2010 IAP) web site (, a component of the NLM Partners (PIAPHW) portal (, and will provide expert advice, consultation and attendance at the Fall 2004 and Spring 2005 Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce meetings and related subcommittee meetings that may arise.
Start Date: July 19, 2004
End Date: December 31, 2005

June 2004

Bethesda Healthcare System
Library Improvement Project
Start Date: June 1, 2004
End Date: May 31, 2005

January 2004

Sappony Tribe - Health Awareness Tribal Web Site
Design and build a culturally sensitive and independent web site.
Start Date: January 1, 2004
End Date: December 31, 2004

Southeastern Regional Medical Center
Library Improvement Project for Community Health Education Center

Start Date: January 1, 2004
End Date: December 31, 2004

University of Virginia
JABA Project

Will educate the Jefferson Area Board for Aging Staff about accessing online, reliable health information, train senior clients, and fund a training coordinator, equipment and connectivity at four JABA centers.
Start Date: January 1, 2004
End Date: June 30, 2005

Wicomico County Public Health Department
Electronic Health Information for the Public

Will improve access to health/wellness/disability-related information by improving the Regional Resources Center, expanding its web site, purchasing 2 computers, and providing training at the Center and in client's homes.
Start Date: January 1, 2004
End Date: June 30, 2005

Funded in 2003

December 2003

Florida State University College of Medicine
PDA Technology Network

Will create a network of hospital librarians with enhanced technological skills to assist health professionals who use handheld technology at the point of care. Will provide training opportunities, handheld devices, and pocket reference tools to each participating hospital library
Start Date: December 1, 2003
End Date: January 31, 2006

St. Joseph's Mercy Foundation
Library Improvement Project with Russell Bellman Library

Start Date: December 1, 2003
End Date: November 30, 2004

October 2003

Erlanger Health System
Regional Health Information Outreach Initiative: Chattanooga and North Georgia Metro Area

In partnership with their HealthLink Plus program will develop two consumer health centers for the citizens of southeast Tennessee and northern Georgia. Will develop a web site, provide training and provide Spanish materials and database.
Start Date: October 1, 2003
End Date: September 30, 2004

George Washington University
PARTNERS For Health Information IV

Will provide classes on tailored health resources to specific, underserved, minority clinics in DC. Will make available credible, usable resources for use by health professionals and patients of the clinics.
Start Date: October 1, 2003
End Date: September 30, 2004

September 2003

Medical University of South Carolina
Partnering for Progress

Will expend the input of community residents in defining the problems and suggesting solutions to the need for better access to health information and resources, to discuss options, and to outline a plan of action, targeting African Americans of Allendale County.
Start Date: September 1, 2003
End Date: January 16, 2004

Medical University of South Carolina
Reach 2010 Charleston and Georgetown Coalition Diabetes e-Information Partnership Planning Project

Plan, develop and mobilize a community-based volunteer network in support of the information needs of African Americans with diagnosed diabetes in Charleston and Georgetown counties in South Carolina. A comprehensive community information needs assessment will be conducted and community-driven solutions for disseminating electronic diabetes information will be planned.
Start Date: September 1, 2003
End Date: May 31, 2004

University of Virginia
Patient Med-Ucation: Promoting Student Wellness through MedlinePlus

Will empower students to make health lifestyle choices. Will develop a trainers' module for peer health educators, provide computers for student use, and provide health information prescriptions for referral to
Start Date: September 30, 2003
End Date: August 31, 2004

August 2003

Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Library Improvement Project

Start Date: August 1, 2003
End Date: July 31, 2004

March 2003

Edward Via Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Access to Electronic Health Information

Through partnership, facilitate training in the access of health information via computer for consumers and healthcare providers within Montgomery and Floyd counties and Southwest Virginia.
Start Date: March 1, 2003
End Date: August 31, 2004

Mountain Area Health Education Center
Access to Electronic Health Information

Collaboration with regional community colleges and university libraries in 16 counties of rural western North Carolina to improve access to electronic health information for the region's healthcare students, the future healthcare providers.
Start Date: March 1, 2003
End Date: August 31, 2004

Public Health Foundation
Increasing Access to Health Information

Will migrate its current web site for public health professionals to a hosting service with better functionality, establishing more detailed utilization tracking and developing a full site search capability.
Start date: March 1, 2003
End Date: August 31, 2004

Roanoke Public Library
Consumer Health Project

The Roanoke City Public Libraries will provide training and access to online health information for the citizens of Roanoke. The main branch will add two networked workstations to enhance access for patrons. They will establish partnerships with local community agencies to advertise the availability of resources and the training planned for minority, elderly, and low and moderate income individuals.
Start Date: March 1, 2003
End Date: July 31, 2005

Shady Grove Adventist Hospital
Access to Electronic Health Information

Provide a customized education Oncology Unit web site and a PC touch screen tablet computer accessible at the patient bedside to improve access to health information for patients and their families.
Start Date: March 1, 2003
End Date: April 30, 2006

University of South Florida
Meeting Senior Citizens' Information Needs

Teach seniors to gather medical information independently, train public librarians to teach seniors about medical searching and gather information about the medical information needs and medical information seeking behavior of senior citizens.
Start Date: March 31, 2003
End Date: August 31, 2004

University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center
WebHealth for Seniors

Partnership to provide training sessions at and equipment to 3 senior centers. Will introduce seniors to health information on the Internet and enable them to identify accurate and credible resources.
Start Date: March 1, 2003
End Date: December 31, 2005

University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center
Faith Based Organization Health Education

In partnership with local health ministry, provide courses on diabetes, HIV/AIDS, hypertension and oral health to health ministers and congregants.
Start Date: March 1, 2003
End Date: June 30, 2004

University of Virginia
Expanded Partnership - Outreach, Community Cancer Coalition, Public Libraries

Will extend access to current electronic cancer information resources from the Mountain Laurel Cancer Center to public libraries in southwestern Virginia. Training will be provided to library staffs and their patrons.
Start Date: March 1, 2003
End Date: August 31, 2004

Western Maryland Area Health Education Center
Western Maryland InfoHealth II

Partnership to provide training to health professionals and the public to increase search and evaluation skills, redevelop the existing WM InfoHealth web site into an interactive database driven site, and increase awareness of NLM resources.
Start Date: March 1, 2003
End Date: August 31, 2004

January 2003

Wake Forest University - Northwest AHEC
PDA Project

A collaboration with the Winston-Salem State University Family Nurse Practitioner Program to integrate the use of "hand held" technology into the educational process and to instill life-long information management skills.
Start Date: January 1, 2003
End Date: March 31, 2004

Funded in 2002

December 2002

University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Community Health Center Project

Deliver instruction to develop intermediate and advanced computer literacy skills for the 60 healthcare personnel at the Christ Community Health Service. The skills will enable staff to locate and evaluate quality health information on the WWW.
Start Date: December 1, 2002
End Date: May 31, 2005

October 2002

Eastern Area Health Education Center
Outer Banks Hospital Project

Library Improvement project with Outer Banks Hospital
Start Date: October 1, 2002
End Date: September 30, 2003

George Washington University
PARTNERS for Consumer Health III

Provide learning opportunities for staff and patients at underserved clinics in DC. Tailor resources and classes to specific clinic specialties. Make available credible, usable resources for use by health professionals and patients.
Start Date: October 1, 2002
End Date: September 30, 2003

University of Alabama Birmingham
Healthy Spirit Jefferson County

To address and eliminate barriers encountered by African American men in accessing health information on the Internet. Will place computers, printers and fax machines in select churches and provide training and workshops on health issues.
Start Date: October 1, 2002
End Date: July 31, 2004

Three Rivers AHEC
eHEALTH C.A.R.E. Project
Develop a web presence to promote 5 rural hospitals and their services and access to health information and community health services available in counties served by the hospitals. Provide WWW training to various groups.
Start Date: October 1, 2002
End Date: September 30, 2003

September 2002

Medical College of South Carolina
Health Narratives Project

Will identify citizens for story telling and interviews that will become health narratives. Will link state and national health information resources to the local community through the narratives. Will be available on the web and in print.
Start Date: September 30, 2002
End Date: March 31, 2004

Professional Associates
Youthbuilders Corp Project

With community partners, assist youths in adopting and promoting healthy lifestyles to reduce their risk of developing diabetes. Build a Youthbuilders Corp with research, presentation and advocacy skills so they can educate peers about diabetes.
Start Date: September 30, 2002
End Date: September 30, 2003

July 2002

University of Virginia Health Sciences Library
Promotoras Project

Provide computer and Internet training to Promotoras in the Blue Ridge AHEC region of VA. Develop a web site of Spanish language and low literacy materials. Place computers and Internet connections at two churches and a public library for Promotoras.
Start Date: July 1, 2002
End Date: September 30, 2003

June 2002

Eastern Area Health Education Center
Pungo District Project

Library Improvement project with Pungo District Hospital
Start Date: June 1, 2002
End Date: May 31, 2003

University of Florida
Florida Gator Cat Project

Improve the online searching and research skills of nursing students at Bethune-Cookman College. Assist with DOCLINE and SERHOLD questions.
Start Date: June 1, 2002
End Date: April 30, 2004

University of South Alabama
Knollwood Hospital Project

Library Improvement Project with Knollwood Hospital
Start Date: June 1, 2002
End Date: May 31, 2002

University of South Alabama
Distance Education Program

Community outreach education and distance learning project on sickle cell anemia with the Kellog Center at Tuskegee University.
Start Date: June 1, 2002
End Date: June 30, 2003

March 2002

Vanderbilt University
Public Health Power Information Users II

The evaluation and verification of the impact of the Public Health Power Information Users (PIU): A model for Overcoming Knowledge Fade.
Start Date: March 1, 2002
End Date: November 30, 2002

January 2002

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
North Carolina Health Information Online

Identify and select state and local health information resources that key address health problems in NC. Create a database to access these resources using the file structure of MedlinePlus and evaluate how to link records in both databases.
Start Date: January 1, 2002
End Date: August 31, 2005

Funded in 2001

August 2001

George Washington University
PARTNERS for Consumer Health II

Provide learning opportunities for staff and patients at underserved clinics in DC. Tailor resources and classes to specific clinic specialties. Make available credible, usable resources for use by health professionals and patients.
Start Date: August 1, 2001
End Date: July 31, 2002

July 2001

East Tennessee State University
Consumer Health Information Service

Will create a Consumer Health Information Service with the public libraries to provide document delivery, reference services, web page and training to the librarians and the public. Will provide document delivery and training to physicians.
Start Date: July 1, 2001
End Date: April 30, 2006

University of Florida
Improving Information Skills for Florida Public Health Professionals

Will provide onsite Internet training to public health professionals in 14 rural northern Florida counties. Will exhibit and provide demonstrations at state professional association meetings.
Start Date: July 1, 2001
End Date: June 30, 2003

University of Virginia
Partnership for Cancer Information

Create and promote a cancer resource center to assist cancer patients and their families in Southwest Virginia. Provide PubMed, MedlinePlus and reference interview training to Center volunteers. Develop a Center web site.
Start Date: July 1, 2001
End Date: June 30, 2003

June 2001

University of Maryland, Baltimore
Health Outreach to Faith Communities through a Parish Nurse Program

Will identify local parish nurses, assess computer literacy, Internet access and knowledge and skills specific to health information. Will provide training, a web site for parish nurses, and ongoing health information support from the HS/HSL.
Start Date: June 1, 2001
End Date: April 30, 2006