Hampden-Sydney Home PageHampden-Sydney Alumni
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Admissions Initiative

As an alumnus, you have the opportunity to meet numerous prospective students and help make their college application process a little easier. If you would like to become an Alumni Volunteer, please see the Alumni Volunteers web page and online signup form, or contact the Admissions Office at (800) 755-0733 or admissions@hsc.edu.

Target Cities Initiative

Target Cities Hampden-Sydney has selected certain communities in which to build a stronger presence. Through the Target Cities Initiative, the College will increase its presence in communities that have a strong alumni base and show promise in student recruitment. If you want to learn more about the Initiative, please contact the H-SC Alumni Office at (434) 223-6956 or repperson@hsc.edu.

“You can do anything with a degree from Hampden-Sydney College”

Alumni Involvement with Career Development at H-SC

  • Employ Hampden-Sydney graduates.
  • Provide summer internships and jobs for underclassmen.
  • Volunteer to serve as an electronic mentor.
  • Identify a Career Development representative with each Alumni Chapter.
  • Have your organization recruit on campus.
  • Accept student resumes and actively forward to viable contacts.
  • Call or write the Career Development Director when you become aware of specific job openings for direct entry hires.
  • Introduce the Career Development Director to hiring contacts in your organization and those with whom you do business.
  • Arrange for students groups to visit your place of business for information sessions.
  • Volunteer to make presentations on campus.
  • Participate in our Alumni Expos on campus.
  • Send beneficial reading materials or videotapes for Career Library.

Contact Information:  Mr. L. Rucker Snead III '81, Director of Career Development