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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families...Building Communities

AFI Performance Management Framework

Generalized Framework Components

The illustration below shows the core elements of the new framework for AFI performance management. It is presented here to familiarize grantees with the framework's elements and to show relationships between the elements.

The framework is designed to ensure that OCS and grantees focus their attention, resources and management expertise on achieving the AFI program-wide expected outcomes. The outcomes statements are what OCS reports to Congress, the Administration's budget office, and the public about the status of the AFI program. Because they are so important, the program-wide expected outcomes are given the most prominant place on the framework -- across the top!

Each category of key activities and tasks that support the expected outcomes is represented by a column located under the outcome statements. Each column contains individual indicators for which targets are set and program data are collected and analyzed. Grantees can use these indicators in day-to-day management of their AFI projects, and OCS can use them for ensuring that grantees are succeeding.

Finally, the conceptual framework shows special initiatives that OCS is managing and supporting to help grantees achieve their program goals. OCS sponsors these initiatives to enable grantees to improve performance. As grantees provide more and more improvements in their performance of key activities, the overall program outcomes will improve.

  1. The framework helps OCS and grantees focus attention and effort on the program's fundamental goal and expected outcomes overall.

    The outcomes are displayed across the top of the framework diagram. All activities and initiatives are designed to improve these outcomes.

  2. The framework highlights the fundamental program activities and tasks for which grantees and OCS are responsible. Each category of activity is represented by a column located that supports the expected outcome statements. This illustration shows columns for two fundamental activities.

  3. Each activity category is composed of a number of underlying functions and tasks. The framework includes "performance indicators" for each of these functions and tasks. The number of performance indicators varies from activity category to activity.

AFI Performance Management Framework

The new AFI Performance Management Framework is available for download in HTML format, and includes links to indicator details. A printer-ready version is also available in pdf format.

The framework focuses specifically on the overall AFI goal: Increasing family stability and self-sufficiency through the accumulation of assets using a matched savings/investment program. Statements of the expected outcomes developed by OCS and grantees are shown across the top of the framework. The four columns below the statements of expected outcomes illustrate the fundamental tasks and activities that grantees perform in their implementation of their AFI project. They contain statements of the 25 performance indicators.

OCS and grantees have set initial targets for five indicators :

  • Indicator 1A - The number of AFI project participants who complete their overall asset purchase.
  • Indicator 1B - The number of people engaging in program activities that prepare them to enter into the savings program.
  • Indicator 1C - The number of IDAs opened.
  • Indicator 2A - The number of AFI IDA participants who complete economic skills classes.
  • Indicator 2B - The average number of AFI IDA participants who complete at least 2 hours of asset specific training.

Along the bottom of the framework are six Initiatives that the AFI program is implementing to enhance performance. These Initiatives feed into the Performance Indicators, tracking how the funds invested in new Initiatives are related to program outcomes.

Last Updated: December 29, 2008