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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
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Office of Community Services -- Asset Building Strengthening Families...Building Communities

AFI Performance Management Initiative

OCS and a group of leading AFI grantees have collaborated to establish a set of expected outcomes and a series of performance indicators for AFI.

The statements of expected outcomes and the performance indicators can be useful for every grantee. Grantees can use this information to tell the AFI story, and assist in managing day-to-day in the field. OCS can use them to identify best practices, spot areas for improvement, and to help focus training and technical assistance.


The expected outcomes highlight the fundamental results that the public can expected from the program overall. They are as follows:

Expected Outcome A
Increase in the amount of annual AFI IDA savings participants use for an asset purchase.

Expected Outcome B
Increase in the number of participants who withdraw funds for an asset purchase.

Expected Outcome C
The degree to which participants improve their economic situation, measured by income, net worth, and asset retention at two and five years after the asset purchase. (OCS is working to develop a methodology for collecting the best information for this expected outcome.)

Expected Outcome D
Increase in the ratio of AFI IDA savings to cost of project services supported with AFI grant funds at the end of years one and five of the project.


In addition to the statements of the expected outcomes, OCS and the grantee group also established a series of 25 key measures that OCS and individual grantees can use for day-to-day management. The indicators are rooted in activities and tasks that every AFI grantee performs when implementing their AFI project. When a grantee uses indicators to measure the impact they are having, they are in a better position to know exactly what is going well and where improvement is needed. For example, they can better spot where they may need more staff or more resources to have a higher performing AFI project.

The AFI performance indicators include several that OCS is using in its day-to-day management of its staff. These indicators help OCS track the quality of services provided to all AFI grantees.

Each of the AFI performance indicators is tied to one of four categories of fundamental program activity.

Key Activity #1
Participant Recruitment and Management of IDA Savings/Withdrawals and Purchases

Key Activity #2
Participant Training and Counseling

Key Activity #3
Timely Awarding of Grants and Effective and Responsive Grantee Support

Key Activity #4
Timely and Accurate Program Reporting and Monitoring


OCS and the grantee group has established a five-step process for setting management targets for each of the series of performance indicators, as follows:

  1. Analyze the data – OCS reviews and analyzes data AFI grantees submit for the annual data report. It reviews the data for trends, identifying what the "typical" grantee reported at the end of each project year. OCS also examines data reported by a small number of “best practice” grantees.

  2. Develop Options – Based upon this analysis, OCS develops two or three options for annual and overall targets for each indicator.

  3. Target Setting Discussions – OCS presents the data, its analysis and several options to the AFI grantee leader group for reactions, input and suggestions.

  4. Finalize the Targets – Based upon the group’s input, OCS adjusts the targets and finalizes them. To date, OCS has used this process for establishing initial targets for five performance indicators.

  5. Assist Grantees with Using the Indicators – OCS will provide training and technical assistance to grantees on using the indicators for program management.

OCS is continuing with the target setting process with plans to establish initial targets for all 25 indicators within the coming months. All interested grantees are welcome to participate in the target setting discussions with OCS.


Last Updated: August 21, 2008