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Press Release

For Immediate Release
January 18, 2008
Contact: Adam Sharon
(202) 225-4506

U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek Hails Passage of HOPE IV Improvement and Reauthorization Act

WASHINGTON, DC – The House of Representatives, with the support of Congressman Kendrick B. Meek (D-FL), passed the Hope VI Improvement Reauthorization Act expanding funding and strengthening resident protections, involvement and choice in public housing projects. The bill, which Congressman Meek cosponsored, reauthorizes the Hope VI program for eight years, and authorizes a budget of up to $800 million a year for the revitalization of public housing.

"Thousands of low-income residents in communities throughout Miami are desperate for quality affordable housing," said Congressman Meek. "This legislation protects their interests and will help revitalize distressed neighborhoods and communities."

The bill contains a number of improvements to the 16-year old program, including one-for-one replacement, which requires that at least one-third of replacement units be rebuilt on-site in a mixed-income development. Tenants may also choose an off-site unit within the jurisdiction of the housing agency, or a housing voucher. These mechanisms were created to lower concentrations of poverty and allow all residents access to higher quality goods and services.

The bill also provides for additional protections and involvement of public housing residents, and requires public housing agencies to monitor and track those affected by Hope VI revitalization funds. A required temporary relocation plan will provide for comparable housing for those displaced, and work to ensure that residents of demolished or disposed of projects are not permanently displaced.

The addition of performance benchmarks to the program requires officials to monitor Hope VI projects for timely completion, and allows for the imposition of penalties for those grantees who fail to meet them.

U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek represents the 17th Congressional District of Florida which includes parts of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. He serves as the lone Floridian sitting on the House Committee on Ways and Means and also sits on the House Armed Services Committee.
