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Press Release

For Immediate Release
September 4, 2007
Contact: Adam Sharon

Congressman Kendrick B. Meek Returns from Iraq: Calls for Iraq Withdrawal Deadline

Washington, DC – Congressman Kendrick B. Meek returned from Iraq on August 30 and renewed his call for setting a firm timeline for U.S.combat troop withdrawal from Iraq.

“There has to be a time when we claim victory and turn Iraq over to the Iraqis.  We need an escalation in diplomacy versus an increase in more military personnel,” Meek said at a Capitol Hill press conference hours after returning from Iraq.  “You need to know when enough is enough, and hopefully the administration will grab onto that notion and begin to bring our combat troops home.”

Congressman Meek led the Congressional delegration trip to Iraq where he and three other lawmakers were briefed by U.S. General David Petraeus, commander of Multi-National Force Iraq, and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker in Baghdad’s Green Zone.  The delegation also met with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Salam al-Zoubai.

After departing the Green Zone, Congressman Meek traveled to western Iraq where he visited wounded soldiers at a medical facility and met with Iraqi forces at a training facility site.  He then joined a platoon of U.S. Marines on a foot patrol of 3 city blocks in Fallujah, site of heavy fighting throughout the Iraq War.

“This is my third visit to Iraq and my respect and admiration for the heroes who wear our military uniform has only increased.  These men and women are deployed in harms way for fifteen months.  Their courage and dedication should make every American proud” said Meek.

Meek led the Congressional delegation trip and was accompanied by two freshman Democratic lawmakers, Representatives Jason Altmire (D-PA) and Michael Arcuri (D-NY), and Republican Representative Charles Boustany (R-LA).

After spending twenty-two hours in Iraq, the delegation traveled to Kuwait where they toured U.S. military base Camp Arifjan and visited a U.S. military hospital there.

Speaking from Miami on CNN’s Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer on September 2, Congressman Meek concluded that “we still have to make major political leaps in Iraq.  If we don’t, then the military effort will be for naught.”  Meek added, “I think that Americans have to hear the truth and not necessarily frosting on the cake.  We don’t have to dress it up for the American public.  We have to tell the truth because we’re making a major investment in Iraq right now, not only in U.S. casualties and injuries, but also in U.S. taxpayer dollars.”

This month, a report already issued by the Government Accountability Office on September 4, and two pending reports written by the Jones Commission and the White House will be released evaluating the political, security and military situation in Iraq.

Since his election to Congress in 2002, Congressman Meek has traveled to Iraq three times.  He sits on the House Armed Services Committee.

Photos from the trip to Iraq along with a video blog by Congressman Meek are posted online.

U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek represents the 17th Congressional District of Florida which includes parts of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.  He serves on the House Committee on Armed Services and is the lone Floridian sitting on the House Committee on Ways and Means.
