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November 30, 2006
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer Statement on World AIDS Day

Whip Says We Must Face Our Shortcomings and Build on Successes

WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in recognition of World AIDS Day, which will be commemorated tomorrow, December 1:

"Tomorrow when we commemorate World AIDS Day, we will do many things.  We will remember those who have died from this horrific disease and their families, their children, and the loved ones they left behind. We will applaud the progress we have made in preventing and treating this global killer. We cannot stop there, however. We must come together as an international community like never before, and commit ourselves to the goal of becoming the generation who took a stand and reversed the deadly course of this deadly pandemic.

 "We cannot achieve this goal without facing up to our shortcomings in the fight against HIV/AIDS. More than 4 million additional people were infected with HIV in 2006 and 3 million died of AIDS. We simply cannot let this continue.

 "In the absence of a cure, we have no choice but to focus on prevention. Different prevention methods work better in different countries and regions, and we must be open to all strategies that have proven effective, including education, abstinence, condoms, needle exchange and promotion of women's rights.  The entire world is affected by HIV/AIDS and thus the entire world shares the responsibility of preventing its spread and finding its cure. America must lead this fight, and lead the world towards a brighter future."
