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Prepare for National Cholesterol Education Month


When it comes to cholesterol, it’s good to know your numbers. High blood cholesterol increases your risk for heart disease and heart attack, and lowering it decreases that risk.

September is National Cholesterol Education Month, a great time to learn about high blood cholesterol, especially if you are among the 65 million Americans who have this condition. It is also a good time to sponsor cholesterol screening and education events.

The NHLBI offers many resources to help you prepare for National Cholesterol Education Month. They are featured on the National Cholesterol Education Month Web page at

Get your worksite, health or community center, HMO, social organization, or faith-based group involved. In addition to organizing screenings, offer cholesterol education sessions and distribute printed take-home materials. Ideas for fun activities include heart healthy cooking demonstrations, taste tests, and cafeteria menus; pot luck dinners with dishes low in saturated fat and cholesterol; and bulletin board displays or e-mail newsletters with tips for lifestyle changes that foster lower cholesterol levels.

September is right around the corner. Visit the National Cholesterol Education Month Web site at to get a jump start.

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