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Yucca Mountain Repository Conceptual Design Images
Artist's renditions and 3D model views of the planned Yucca Mountain repository and its components.

Thumbnail Caption 300dpi image
Cutaway image of a repository emplacement tunnel. Hi-res
Cutaway image showing an emplacement tunnel, waste packages, and drip shield. Hi-res
Cutaway image of Yucca Mountain, its rock layers, and the planned network of repository tunnels. Hi-res
Cutway showing the expected flow of water around a repository emplacement tunnel. Hi-res
Conceptual 3D image of a remote-operated gantry that would place drip shields in repository emplacement tunnels. Hi-res
Conceptual 3D image of the remote-operated gantry placing a drip shield above a waste package. Hi-res
Image showing the six types of waste packages that would be placed in Yucca Mountain. Hi-res
Photo illustration showing part of the Yucca Mountain license application. Hi-res
3D model view looking approximately northeast at the planned Yucca Mountain surface facilities. Hi-res
3D model view looking approximately west at the planned Yucca Mountain surface facilities. Hi-res
3D model view looking approximately south at the planned Yucca Mountain surface facilities. Hi-res
Artist's conception of a possible monument warning future generations of the Yucca Mountain repository. Hi-res
Artist's conception of a crane tilting a transportation cask at a Yucca Mountain surface facility. Hi-res
Conceptual 3D image of the remote-controlled transport and emplacement vehicle (TEV) placing a waste package in an emplacement tunnel. Hi-res
waste package welding Artist's conception of remote-operated welding to seal a waste package. Hi-res
Last reviewed 12/08

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  Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
This page last modified on: December 18, 2008  
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