U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural ResourcesU.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
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Senator Jeff Bingaman Senator Pete V. Domenici
Jeff Bingaman
Ranking Member
Pete V. Domenici
Jeff Bingaman Biography Jeff Bingaman Web Site
Pete V. Domenici Biography Pete V. Domenici Web Site

Democratic News RSS Feed
January 15, 2009 Press Release
Bingaman on Passage of Omnibus Public Lands Management Act
January 15, 2009 Press Release
Bingaman on Salazar Nomination
January 14, 2009 Press Release
Lands Bill Rounds Last Turn
Republican News RSS Feed
October 23, 2008 Press Release
Domenici Applauds Good News for Nuclear Energy in America-And Good News for the American Economy
October 01, 2008 Press Release
Domenici To Support Financial Rescue Plan With Key Tax Extensions Added for Renewable Energy
October 01, 2008 Press Release
Domenici Statement on U.S. - India Agreement On Nuclear Cooperation
S. 22 - Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009

Source Book: Green Stimulus Proposals

Bingaman: The Energy Challenges We Face

Consolidated Natural Resources Act of 2008

Making CCS Work: Economics and Critical Issues

The Edison Foundation Carbon Capture and Storage Event

Bingaman/Specter Climate Change Bill
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