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What is RSS?

RSS (or Really Simple Syndication) feeds are free content feeds from Web sites, including DNRonline.com, that contain article headlines, summaries and links back to full-text articles on the web.

What tools do I need to use RSS?

To start using RSS, you need a special news reader or aggregator that displays RSS content feeds from Web sites you select. There are many different news readers available, many of which are free of charge. Most are available as desktop software that you download and install on your computer. Several Web-based news readers are available as well.

List of news readers (Yahoo)
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List of news readers (Wikipedia)

Once you have set up your news reader, you simply subscribe to the RSS content feeds you want.

What are the benefits of using RSS?

RSS is an easy way for you to be alerted when content that interests you appears on your favorite Web sites. Instead of visiting a particular Web site to browse for new articles and features, RSS automatically tells you when something new is posted online.

Click on the section title link to obtain the RSS URL, which you will see in the "Address" field of of your browser. Simply copy this URL and follow the instructions for your particular news reader to subscribe.

How can I sign up to RSS feeds from DNRonline.com?

To sign up for RSS feeds from DNRonline.com, simply select the section that interests you from the list at the top of this page. Click on the orange XML button follow the instructions for your particular news reader to subscribe to RSS feeds.

If I am a webmaster or blogger how can I display your headlines on my website?

You will need an XML parser. The easiest (and free) way to display RSS feeds on your site would be to use some of the free tools available such as MagpieRSS or CaRP.

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