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Coal Mining Productivity by State, Mine Type, and Union Status

Table 24.    xls    pdf     Annual Coal Report

Table 24. Coal Mining Productivity by State, Mine Type, and Union Status, 2007
(Short Tons Produced per Employee per Hour)
Coal-Producing State
and Region[1]
Union Nonunion
Underground Surface Underground Surface
Alabama  2.15 - 0.74 2.49
Alaska  - 5.83 - -
Arizona  - 7.92 - -
Arkansas  - - 0.41 -
Colorado  4.93 6.81 7.57 8.83
Illinois  3.06 - 3.71 5.48
Indiana  - - 3.18 5.60
Kansas  - - - 3.25
Kentucky Total  3.18 3.29 2.66 3.57
  Eastern  2.09 3.29 2.32 3.48
  Western  3.50 - 3.96 4.85
Louisiana  - - - 6.08
Maryland  - - 2.09 3.23
Mississippi  - - - 9.99
Missouri  - - - 6.96
Montana  - 18.40 1.46 37.36
New Mexico  9.11 8.81 - 9.45
North Dakota  - 13.13 - 16.68
Ohio  3.74 - 5.37 3.10
Oklahoma  - - 2.65 2.89
Pennsylvania Total  3.97 0.93 4.77 2.41
  Anthracite  - 0.63 0.71 1.03
  Bituminous  3.98 1.78 4.94 2.75
Tennessee  - - 1.92 2.20
Texas  - 8.94 - 8.63
Utah  4.53 - 6.32 -
Virginia  1.67 1.68 2.35 3.03
West Virginia Total  3.30 4.21 2.58 4.27
  Northern  4.51 - 3.12 4.31
  Southern  1.55 4.21 2.49 4.27
Wyoming  6.47 8.58 - 36.36
Appalachian Total  3.13 3.34 2.82 3.48
   Northern  4.21 0.89 4.40 2.95
   Central  1.61 3.97 2.39 3.74
   Southern  2.15 - 0.72 2.49
Interior Total  3.21 8.62 3.61 6.17
   Illinois Basin  3.21 - 3.67 5.49
Western Total  6.20 11.11 6.96 32.37
   Powder River Basin  - 18.45 - 37.36
   Uinta Region  4.61 6.72 7.06 8.65
East of Miss. River  3.14 3.23 2.99 3.79
West of Miss. River  6.20 10.41 6.65 28.31
U.S. Total  3.41 8.41 3.32 10.69
[1] For a definition of coal producing regions, see Glossary.
- = No data are reported.
Note: · Productivity is calculated by dividing total coal production by the total direct labor hours worked by all employees engaged in production, preparation, processing, development, maintenance, repair shop, or yard work at mining operations, including office workers. Excludes mines producing less than 10,000 short tons of coal and preparation plants with less than 5,000 employee hours during the year, which are not required to provide data.
Source: · Energy Information Administration Form EIA-7A, "Coal Production Report," and U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Form 7000-2, "Quarterly Mine Employment and Coal Production Report."

see also:
Historical Coal Data back to 1949
Projected Coal Supply & Demand to 2030
International Coal Data