Quick DDRIP                         #27

Stop the Waiting - Get in the Game

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"This product is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like the Internet again. Speeds are up by 90-95%. Now, I’m downloading from the Web in much less than 1/16 the time, which is important in my line of work. The install was flawless and now, so are my downloads. Thanks Quick DDRIP!"

– AlphaGeek, Silicon Alley ;^)                                            

"My elderly father has had trouble reading ever since cataract surgery two years ago. I’ve tried sending him books on tape, but it was always a cumbersome process and I was never sure if he’d like my selections. We tried downloading audio books from the Internet, but the process took FOREVER. Last month I sent him the Quick DDRIP and he’s never been happier. He has instant (well, about 10 to 15 minutes as opposed to an hour or more before) access to digital quality sound recordings of all his favorites, and new releases too. Now Mom is threatening to move his LazyBoy to the PC."

-- Evelyn M., concerned daughter in Detroit, MI                    ButOrder.GIF (379 bytes)

"WOW! With Quick DDRIP I can watch any pay-per-view movie anytime I want and the quality is great. When I tried to watch a pay-per-view movie streamed over the Internet before, I experienced lost or delayed movie frames. No more. Now it’s just like watching my own personal screening. And whatever movie I choose starts playing in seconds. The convenience and quality can’t be beat."

-- Joe H., Movie Buff in Dubuque, IA

"Quick DDRIP is amazing! I converted the home video of my son’s birth to a digital file and sent it via email to all the relatives. Almost all of them had problems downloading the attached video file. But my Mom has a QD unit. Thanks to QD, she was able to download the whole 9 hours of my son’s delivery in less than a half hour, and then watch it just as if she was there. And we’ve got more video files on the way - baby’s first smile, his first bath, his first visit from grandma, his first trip to the doctor, his first bottle from daddy, . . . ."

-- Sam and Nancy, new parents in Tallahassee, FL                 ButOrder.GIF (379 bytes)

"Where can I invest? I’ve been sold since I saw a demonstration at the INTERNET NOW Conference. I bought one as soon as they came out and it more than lives up to the hype. No more problems with stop and start video feeds and I’ve never been "disconnected" from the Internet during a live event because of slow transmission speeds. Heck, I’ve never been disconnected during a download of a movie for that matter - which may be because movies download 8 times faster with Quick DDRIP than they did before."

-- Hugo P, Las Vegas, NV                                                     

"WHAT A CONCEPT! I’ve seen a lot of computer products, software and hardware in my day and the Quick DDRIP really delivers. I frequently listen to Blues radio stations on the Internet and have always had problems with fidelity and distortion. Not any more -- with QD’s higher speeds, I get hi-fidelity, Dolby-quality sound at analog prices. And it’s so fast and reliable!"

-- Skip J., audiophile, St Louis, MO                                    

"Quick DDRIP is a life saver - its real time access to football games on the Internet is incredible.   No more of those irritating jerky delays when I’m watching my favorite games (you know, where the missing frame is the part showing the completion of the pass) - and the picture is sharp enough to tell if the running back’s foot was out of bounds when he caught that long pass (no instant replay needed!!) And the best part is I’m no longer limited to watching East Coast games broadcast on TV - but can keep up with the Big 12. (GO WILDCATS!!)"

-- Jerry W., transplanted K-State fan, Baltimore, MD               ButOrder.GIF (379 bytes)

"I’m saving so much money with QD! I used to have a hi-speed Internet hook-up through my cable company. But I cancelled that service when I found that with QD I could get the same download speeds using my 56k modem and my phone line. No more high monthly cable Internet bills just for quick access to the Internet."

– Mark G., hi-speed fanatic, Chicago, IL                           

"Quick DDRIP outperforms the other equipment on the market. I listen to a lot of high fidelity symphonic recordings and I must say that Quick DDRIP really lives up to its reputation. I can download performances of the Berlin Symphony Orchestra off the Internet in just a few minutes and the sound quality is unbeatable. Without Quick DDRIP, I just didn’t have the patience to wait for the entire symphony to download. Now there’s a whole new world of music for me to explore!"

– Curt D., music lover in Mobile, AL                                        ButOrder.GIF (379 bytes)

"Quick DDRIP is GREAT for making travel plans. When we were shopping for a honeymoon destination, our travel agent suggested that we check out the Honeymooner’s Retreat in the Caribbean by taking a 3D tour online. Wow - what a fantastic idea! We 'walked through' the rooms in the honeymoon suite, and onto the balcony to 'watch' the sunset. We even tried out a 'virtual scuba diving' excursion and 'went on' a moonlight walk along the white sand beach. The speed enhancements of Quick DDRIP let us 'move' through the tour effortlessly, without any annoying delays for each new scene to download and redraw on our screen. The picture quality was so realistic that we could almost feel the sand between our toes. By the time we actually went on our honeymoon, it was like we had been there before."

-- Brent and Susan V., newlyweds, St Paul, MN

"Quick DDRIP kept our family together. Recently, my job stationed me in Africa for a three-month detail. We wanted to bring the whole family, but our oldest daughter, Annie, would have missed the first three months of her senior year in high school and wouldn’t have been able to graduate with her class. As it turned out, Annie came to Africa with us and simply plugged Quick DDRIP into the nearest available phone, connected it to our laptop and logged on to the school’s website . She was able to download her assignments, and email completed work back home. We didn’t have access to the phone lines for very long, so Quick DDRIP’s ultrafast downloads and uploads were critical. When we returned from Africa we found that Annie had made the Honor Roll! And now she’s off to Smith College in the fall, where she’ll keep using Quick DDRIP."

–Annie’s Mom, Burlington, VT                                                  ButOrder.GIF (379 bytes)

"The quality was just like the new Rolling Stones live concert on DVD! Who needs Dolby! With QD, there was no waiting - no herky jerky video and audio streams like other audio/video players on the market."

— Art G., Stones lover, Manchester (New Hampshire)

"Watching my favorite sporting events over the Internet is SO COOL with Quick DDRIP. I love watching live Net events, wherever they are happening. Best of all, I can use Quick DDRIP to record them and still keep the same hi-quality video and audio. Recently, I recorded the World Figure Skating Championships broadcast live over the Net, and now I can watch Yagudin’s - and Elvis’- 'quads' over and over."

– Maria W., sports enthusiast, Austin, TX

"I can’t recommend Quick DDRIP enough. I’m a big proponent of digital delivery of music over the Net - since it lets novices and niche musicians have a voice. The major problem in the past has been the time required to download music I bought from the Net.  But with QuickDDRIP, I can regularly download three times as many songs in 30 minutes."

-- Nick L., jazz lover, New Orleans, LA                                       ButOrder.GIF (379 bytes)

"QD is SO COOL. My best friend and I each have QD on our computers. When I was sick and couldn’t go to the movie theater, we both purchased 'Titanic' online and watched it together while talking on the phone. I was able to download and start the movie in the time it took me to make popcorn. And that Leo is SO CUTE!!"

-- Julie A., in Manhattan, NY

"Quick DDRIP solved my family’s dilemma. Our teenager wanted to drive to the big city to a Screaming Jeemies concert but we just weren’t comfortable with allowing such a long drive in the family car. We compromised by buying the Quick DDRIP. What a blessing! The children were able to watch the concert at home, the same night as the performance, and they reported that it was like being in a front row seat - in part because the video was the size of their PC monitor, instead of the usual postcard size window that they’ve experienced in the past with live Web events. Even the sound quality was as good as a pre-recorded digital CD - they could hear every squeak and tweak of the guitar. Thanks, Quick DDRIP."

-- Alice G., Mom in Centralia, WA                                             ButOrder.GIF (379 bytes)