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Topic: Home > Executive Acts > Appointment

Document appointing person to a position or announcement of the appointment.

Presidential Nomination: Kristine Louise Svinicki
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Kristine Louise Svinicki Position: Member Nuclear Regulatory .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Richard Kenneth Wagner
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Richard Kenneth Wagner Position: Member Natl Institute for Literacy .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Frank Brantley Strickland
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Frank Brantley Strickland Position: Member Legal Services .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: A. Ellen Terpstra
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination A. Ellen Terpstra Position: Chief Agricultural Negotiator United States .. - 3.1KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Annette Laporte Nazareth
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Annette Laporte Nazareth Position: Member Securities and Exchange Comm ... - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Linda Avery Strachan
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Linda Avery Strachan Position: Asst Sec -Cong Relations Department ... - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: William Craig Vanderwagen
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination William Craig Vanderwagen Position: Ass. Sec. for Preparedness .. - 3.2KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Michael Grant Young
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Michael Grant Young Position: Member Federal Mine Safety and Health .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: John Paul Woodley
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination John Paul Woodley Position: Asst Sec (Civil Works) Department of Army (8) ... - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Irving Alexander Williamson
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Irving Alexander Williamson Position: Member Intl Trade Com, US (6) ... - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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