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Now that you have your PDA, put some RSS feeds on it

Quite by accident, I bought a news reader for my portable device. I wanted to purchase database software for my PDA and ended up getting a good deal on a suite of four programs, one of which was a news reader. So I decided to try it out with RSS feeds of interest to medical librarians. Here’s what I added to my news reader:

  • A feed from my university’s email and web hosting system
    (How nice to know when the campus help desk will be down on weekends!)
  • PubMed New and Noteworthy
    (I think I was the first on my block to know when PubMed became available as a search engine add-on on the search bar in the upper right corner of Firefox 2.0 and IE 7.0)
  • NLM Technical Bulletin
    (I was very excited to learn when MeSH changes for 2007 became available in the Tech Bulletin — always an interesting late-night read.)
  • NIH Clinical Alerts
    (You never know when something important will be announced, and now I don’t have to look for them — they come to me.)
  • A news feed from the software company that makes my list software so I know all the bells and whistles that I can download.
    (Oh look! Someone’s posted a Household Medicine Inventory List. How useful!)

Now, when I sync my device, I find out about the new “headlines” in my subscribed services.

So, where can you start? Begin at Josephine Tan’s Latitudes article on RSS feeds. Go to for the URLs for NLM RSS feeds. When you are ready to add a news reader to your PDA, look for software that gives you a free trial. And don’t forget to add the Latitudes news feed! Look for the XML icon XML.

Editor’s Note: In case you are wondering, I’ve been using NewsBreak from Ilium Software with a Dell Axim X51v.