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Internet Connectivity Awards

Funding is available for the Internet Connectivity award. As mentioned on our Funding page:

Internet Connectivity - to support the improvement of network members’ connections to the Internet. Included is funding to purchase and install computer equipment for a single work station and facilitate connection to the Internet. Internet connectivity support and training for inner city, rural, tribal and other community-based healthcare organizations will also be supported with this funding.

The computer for connectivity can be used for web-based instruction for library staff or for health care professionals in your institution who wish to obtain continuing education credit. It could be used for loading a handicapped workstation with appropriate software for users. The award can be used to upgrade the level of connectivity for a network library.

The NN/LM PSR Regional Network Office will fund up to $1000 per institution for this particular award. Up to five awards will be given to Network members each year of the 2006/2011 NN/LM contract. If you are interested, please send an email to Kay Deeney, NN/LM PSR Education Coordinator, detailing your request and how you would expect to make use of the award. She will work with you to draw up a “contract” or agreement that you will sign. Contact Kay if you have any questions or for more information.