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Topic: Home > Executive Acts > Appointment

Document appointing person to a position or announcement of the appointment.

Presidential Nomination: Carol Miller Swain
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Carol Miller Swain Position: Member Humanities, Natl Council On .. - 3.1KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: John Charles Anderso Stagg
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination John Charles Anderso Stagg Position: Member (Academic) James .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Renee L. Tyree
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Renee L. Tyree Position: Member Natl Council On Disability Status: .. - 3.1KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Daniel Vern Speckhard
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Daniel Vern Speckhard Position: Ambassador to Greece US Ambassadors ... - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Elias Adam Zerhouni
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Elias Adam Zerhouni Position: Director of the National Institue of ... - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: George H. Wu
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination George H. Wu Position: Judge - California C US District Court .. - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Herbert John Walberg
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Herbert John Walberg Position: Member (Researcher) Status: .. - 3.1KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Warren W. Tichenor
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Warren W. Tichenor Position: Rep of US to European Off of UN Un, .. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Kent Dean Talbert
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Kent Dean Talbert Position: General Counsel Department of Education (18 ... - 3.3KB
24 Apr 08
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Presidential Nomination: Ann Louise Wagner
Home > News & Policies > Nominations by Name Presidential Nomination Ann Louise Wagner Position: Ambassador to Luxembourg US Ambassadors (.. - 3.4KB
24 Apr 08
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