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LabNotes - May 2008

NETL Researchers Study Novel Approach to CO2 Removal

Researcher Tom Simonyi analyzes a coal-metal oxide sample in a thermogravimetric analysis unit at NETL.

Researcher Tom Simonyi analyzes a coal-metal oxide sample in a thermogravimetric analysis unit at NETL. This analysis contributes to NETL research on the direct combustion of coal by chemical looping combustion.

NETL researchers are addressing challenges standing in the way of a novel energy production method that emits no carbon dioxide (CO2).

 Chemical looping combustion (CLC) is an emerging technology for clean energy production from fossil and renewable fuels. If its challenges are solved, it could become a very economical and clean way to combust coal.

Chemical looping is to coal combustion as metabolism is to a human’s energy production.

In the human body, blood carries oxygen to cells that “burn” the hydrocarbons to make energy for muscles. The product is just CO2 and water vapor.

NETL researchers are trying to develop a process like that, using metals that behave like the iron in blood, except at higher temperatures. 

In CLC, metal oxides carry the oxygen to coal, and burn it. The products of CLC are CO2 and water, but the reaction also generates heat that can drive a steam turbine, for example.  The key advantage is that the CO2 is ready for sequestration after just condensing the water.

Chemical looping produces sequestration-ready CO2 streams without significant energy penalty. A solid fuel such as coal is rarely used in CLC since the process with solid fuels faces many challenges.

In CLC, an oxygen carrier (typically a metal oxide) is prepared by first oxidizing a metal with air. The hot metal oxide is then reduced in contact with a fuel in a second reactor, thus combusting the fuel.

 Research work on feasibility of utilizing oxygen carriers for coal combustion was demonstrated in the NETL lab.  Samples of coal mixed with oxides of copper, nickel and manganese were heated in the presence of CO2.

CLC research on direct combustion of coal utilizing metal oxide oxygen carriers showed full combustion of coal in the presence of CO2

NETL Completes Initial Testing of Fuel Cell Module at Wilsonville PSDF Facility

NETL researcher Rich Pineault makes final adjustments on the solid oxide fuel cell.

NETL researcher Rich Pineault makes final adjustments on the solid oxide fuel cell Multi-Cell Array skid during installation at the Power Systems Development Facility in Wilsonville, AL. The facility’s gasifier can be seen in the background.

NETL completed installation and shakedown testing of the Multi-Cell Array (MCA) test skid at the Power Systems Development Facility (PSDF) at Wilsonville, AL.  The array is a mobile platform developed to enable testing of solid oxide fuel cells on coal synthesis gas. 

The unit is designed to enable testing for up to 12 individual fuel cells over a range of electric load conditions for extended periods of time to provide data on the influence of trace coal contaminants such as arsenic, phosphorous, selenium and mercury on performance of fuel cells operated
on coal syngas.  These data are critical for development of fuel cells for coal-based power generation.

Shakedown testing on hydrogen for over 100 hours showed good results on five of 12 cells,
and identified that improved sealing is needed. Modifications to the seal method are underway so as to achieve 100% cell operation before the next gasifier run which is scheduled for sometime this summer.

Results of the shakedown testing that was completed will lead to significant improvements prior to the next gasifier run at the PSDF facility. 

New Instrument Strengthens NETL's Materials Capabilities

NETL researchers Deborah Hreha and Jeffrey Culp run a calibration standard on the lab's newly installed thermal analysis instrument.

NETL researchers Deborah Hreha and Jeffrey Culp run a calibration standard on the lab's newly installed thermal analysis instrument. The instrument allows the simultaneous measurement of both weight change and heat flow in a sample as the temperature and purge gas are varied. The new instrument will greatly increase NETL's capabilities for the characterization of porous solids and CO2 capture materials.


NETL has acquired a powerful new instrument, known as a combined Thermal Gravimetric Analyzer/ Differential Scanning Calorimeter (TGA/DSC), to meet the needs for advanced materials development.

Detailed chemical characterization of materials used as adsorbents and catalysts is a key element that is important to progress in improving their performance. The new instrument can determine the weight loss and its associated heat requirement at the same time as a small test sample is heated. 

One task that will be addressed immediately is the evaluation of adsorbents for capturing carbon dioxide.

The new instrument is extremely versatile and will find many uses in similar applications.  The capability of NETL to analyze many types of materials is greatly enhanced by this new instrument.

Department of Defense Wants NETL’s Help in Developing Armor for Military Vehicles

An NETL technician pours a cast stainless steel P-900 hatch for a military fighting vehicle using the lost foam process.

An NETL technician pours a cast stainless steel P-900 hatch for a military fighting vehicle using the lost foam process.

NETL scientist Paul Turner explained P-900 armor and described various methods to manufacture the material at a meeting to identify potential manufacturers of cast steel armor for the Department of Defense.

NETL scientists, working under a contract from DoD, developed the process to make P-900, which is a cast, slotted steel armor used to protect military vehicles.

During the meeting, Army representatives requested NETL’s help to develop a new, lighter weight alloy for use in this application.

The purpose of the meeting was to expand the number of foundries manufacturing the armor to meet the military’s large demand for the material in a short timeframe The U.S. Army Tank and Automotive Command (TACOM) is in the process of procuring over 20 million pounds of P-900 cast steel armor to be used on certain U.S. military vehicles to protect them from improvised explosive devices, which have been very effective against coalition vehicles.  

The U.S. Army hosted the manufacturing meeting in conjunction with Missouri University of Science and Technology and the Steel Founders’ Society of America.