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    There are a total of 228 record(s) matching your query.
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    Electrochemical Measurement of Atmospheric Corrosion

    Author(s): DeArmond, Anna H.; Davis, Dennis D.; Beeson, Harold D.
    Abstract: Corrosion of Shuttle thruster components in atmospheres containing high concentrations of nitrogen tetroxide (NTO) and water is an important issue in ground operations of bipropellant systems in humid locations. Measurements ...
    NASA Center: White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 1999
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Document ID: 19990110114

    Indicator Devices for Detection of Trace Gaseous Hydrazines

    Author(s): Dee, Louis A.; Greene, Ben; Baker, David L.
    Abstract: Two designs of ambient trace hydrazine indicator devices were studied. Both used the color change resulting from reduction of a gold salt to elemental gold by trace gaseous hydrazines in air. Glass tubes containing a packing ...
    NASA Center: White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 2000
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Document ID: 20010002154

    Effect of the Uncertainty of Fuel Property Values on Safety Analysis

    Author(s): Barragan, Michelle H.; Woods, Stephen S.; Julien, Howard L.; Wilson, D. Bruce; Saulsberry, Regor L.
    Abstract: In previous work, the Peng Robinson (PR) and Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) equations of state (EOS) were tested for thermodynamic consistency and met the criteria. In this work, the property data (critical properties and vapor ...
    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center, White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 2000
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Document ID: 20000116513

    Hydrazine Vapor and Diluent Gas Detonation Studies

    Author(s): Rathgeber, Kurt A.; Woods, Steve S.; Starritt, Larry W.; Bunker, Radel L.
    Abstract: Detonation cell size, pressure, and velocity for hydrazine vapor and diluent gas mixtures have been determined as a function of pressure and concentration ( v/v). Tests were conducted in a horizontal detonation tube heated ...
    NASA Center: White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 1998
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Document ID: 19990018514

    Hypergolic Propellant Safety Course

    Author(s): Rathgeber, Kurt A.; Hornung, Steve D.; Baker, David L.
    Abstract: A hypergolic propellant safety course has been developed in conjunction with the NASA Safety Training Center at the Johnson Space Center. Recognizing that numerous fuels and oxidizers can be hypergolic, the course is ...
    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center, White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 2000
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Document ID: 20000116512

    Resources Available for Hazards Analysis of Aerospace Fluids

    Author(s): Woods, S. S.; Stewart, W. F.; Baker, D. L.; Beeson, H. D.
    Abstract: The rapid pace of transfer of government activities to the aerospace industry, along with the increasing incidence of aerospace corporate mergers, have the potential for disrupting coordination and flow of vital propellant ...
    NASA Center: White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 2000
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Document ID: 20010002125

    Explosive decomposition of hydrazine due to rapid gas compression

    Author(s): Briles, O.; Hagemann, D.; Benz, F.; Farkas, T.
    Abstract: Results from tests which attempt to determine conditions which cause explosive decomposition of hydrazine from rapid gas compression are described. Hydrazine was initiated by pressure in combination with shock waves from the ...
    NASA Center: White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 1985
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Accession Number: 86N17430; Document ID: 19860007960

    Catalytic Decomposition of Propellant Hydrazines, N-Nitrosodimethylamine, and N-Nitrodimethylamine

    Author(s): Greene, Ben; Johnson, Harry T.
    Abstract: Dilute, aqueous solutions of hydrazine, methylhydrazine (MMH), uns-dimethylhydrazine (UDMH), N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), and N-nitrodimethylamine (DMNM) were decomposed by catalytic reduction with nickel-aluminum (Ni-Al) ...
    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center, White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 2000
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Document ID: 20000116467

    Shuttle Reaction Control Thruster Plume Diagnostics

    Author(s): Kurtz, Joe J.; Starritt, Larry; Nam, Matthew K.
    Abstract: Experiments to determine shuttle reaction control system (RCS) plume flow parameters at the NASA Johnson Space Center White Sands Test Facility (WSTF) are reviewed, and preliminary results are given. Thruster plume ...
    NASA Center: Johnson Space Center, White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 1995
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Accession Number: 96N34587; Document ID: 19960050548

    A comparison of the explosion hazards of hydrazine and methylhydrazine in aerospace environments

    Author(s): Benz, F. J.; Pedley, M. D.
    Abstract: A comparison of the explosion hazards of hydrazine and methylhydrazine fuels in aerospace environments is presented. Hazards are divided into three broad areas: hazards resulting from incompatibility of the fuels with ...
    NASA Center: White Sands Test Facility
    Publication Year: 1986
    Added to NTRS: 2005-10-10
    Accession Number: 87N26126; Document ID: 19870016693

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