
January/February 2003
volume 12, issue 1

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Kudos to Pat Auflick!

Arizona's Rural Health Office recently held a dedication ceremony to 'officially name its in-house learning resources center "The Patricia A. Auflick Library." [Pat] served rural Arizonans for many years as the Learning Resource Coordinator for the RHO and the Arizona Area Health Education Centers (AzAHEC) System, training health care professionals in how to use the Internet to access health care information from the National Library of Medicine, as well as training librarians about health care resources. She maintained one of the earliest e-newsletters, disseminating information about grant opportunities throughout the state. [Pat] is now a staff member at the Arizona Health Sciences Center Library.'

[Editor's Note: Jeanette McCray sent us this notice from Rural Health Briefing, volume 2, number 8, November 21, 2002. This publication is an E-Health Newsletter published by the Arizona Rural Hospital Flexibility Program of the University of Arizona Rural Health Office, in collaboration with the Arizona Rural Health Association.]

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