Newsletter of the
National Network of Libraries of Medicine

Middle Atlantic Region
New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware

The New York Academy of Medicine - 1216 Fifth Avenue - New York, NY 10029

Volume 14 Number 5 / Number 6 September - December 2004

In This Issue...

Awards to Improve Access to Electronic Health Information
MAR Regional Characteristics
Add Another Bookmark
Debut of the NLM Catalog
Network Spotlight: VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System
NN/LM E-Licensing Working Group
New URL for NYAM Catalog
DOCLINE Routing Table Tutorial
2005 Schedule of Online Training
NLM Technical Bulletin

Note: This is a newsletter. The links and information are up-to-date when published and are NOT updated after the published date.

If you would like to propose topics you feel should be covered in the Middle Atlantic Perspective, or, if you would like to write an article, please contact Joanne Jahr at jjahr@nyam.org. Your comments, suggestions and criticisms are welcome.


by Naomi R. Adelman, Ph.D., M.L.S.
Associate Director
Middle Atlantic Region

What a whirlwind introduction to life as an RML Associate Director! My first day on the job required navigating the NYC subway system in order to attend the NY/NJ MLA Chapter meeting in Brooklyn. I did not get lost which I hope serves as a sign of things to come. The meeting was most interesting; plus, it gave me the opportunity to catch up with old colleagues and meet new ones. Then back to the New York Academy of Medicine for a few days where I have been getting to know the RML staff (they are amazing!) and familiarizing myself with our NLM contract and the scope of work (also amazing!). On October 13th I flew to Ottawa for the 40th UNYOC/OVHLA Annual Conference. It was a wonderful few days, organized perfectly by our own Peggy Falls. I was able to spend time with a number of MAR members and learn what they are doing at their libraries as well as what they think about the RML program.

And this is also what I would like from you – please call or email me with any ideas or concerns that you have about our region. At this point I am a clean slate, with no preconceived notions or personal agenda. I welcome your input!


The National Library of Medicine is pleased to announce that 40 projects to improve access to electronic health information for the general public have been funded in 24 states. All projects will last up to eighteen months. Funding for the projects was provided through the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. Of the 40 projects funded, eight awards were made to Network members in the NN/LM Middle Atlantic Region. We extend our heartiest congratulations to the following and hope that others will be encouraged by their example to apply for future awards:

New Jersey

Atlantic Health System, Mountainside Hospital Health Sciences Library
Montclair, NJ
Project Directors: Pat Regenberg and Jeff Levine

The goal of this consumer health information project is to create a “medical library without walls,” enabling patients to receive information relative to their care or condition either prior to hospital admission, during or following admission. Local public libraries will be enlisted to help promote this service and to partner with the medical libraries in an effort to provide community outreach.

Meridian Health
Neptune, NJ
Project Directors: Catherine Boss, Joanne Papanicolau and Susan Pistolakis

The Meridian’s Electronic Health Information Project (eHIP) will be established as a system-wide collaborative effort to serve as a catalyst for improved public awareness of authoritative healthcare websites. Through this project, Meridian will provide a self-sustaining resource for the community to obtain current, reliable electronic healthcare information and introduce the growing senior population to quality websites and to tailor a training program to meet their distinctive needs.

New York

The New York Academy of Medicine
New York, NY
Project Director: Janie Kaplan

The project will provide convenient and supported access to health information for patients and staff of Settlement Health, a federally qualified primary care center in East Harlem, one of the poorest communities in New York City. The New York Academy of Medicine (NYAM) will partner with the New York Public Library (NYPL) and Settlement Health in designing, implementing, and providing services in the Settlement Health Consumer Health Information Center that will be located at Settlement Health. Columbia University’s Department of Biomedical Informatics and the Center for Evidence-Based Practice in the Underserved of Columbia University’s School of Nursing will participate in the project as formative and summative evaluators. The overall goal of the project is to provide health information to patients, their families, clinical staff, and community members in East Harlem.

Stony Brook University Health Center Library
Stony Brook, NY
Project Director: T. Guillaume Van Moorsel

The collaboration between Stony Brook University Health Sciences Center Library (HSCL) and the Suffolk Cooperative Library System (SCLS) will foster a population of information-literate healthcare consumers and improve public accessibility, awareness and use of authoritative electronic health information resources needed to make informed healthcare decisions. Coupled with traveling promotional exhibits as well as print- and Web-based information guides and self-paced tutorials, training will be complemented by public presentations delivered by community health professionals addressing various health issues as well as health services and resources available to the public.


AIDS Library and Project TEACH
Philadelphia, PA
Project Director: Jenny Pierce

This project will be conducted by Philadelphia FIGHT, a comprehensive AIDS service organization to improve the health outcomes of people with HIV/AIDS. The project represents a partnership between Philadelphia AIDS Library and Project TEACH (Treatment Education Activists Combating HIV). New modules will be created for the TEACH interactive media series. These modules will reinforce Project TEACH classroom work thus providing people infected with HIV/AIDS with critical health information.

Duquesne University, Gumberg Library
Pittsburgh, PA
Project Director: Robert J. Campbell

Duquesne University’s Gumberg Library, Rangos School of Health Sciences, and School of Nursing will collaborate with Pittsburgh area community, governmental, and faith-based organizations to educate seniors and enable them to use the Internet to locate and evaluate information needed to effectively manage their healthcare and wellness. Participants will have access to a project Web site containing a wide array of high quality healthcare information resources provided by the National Library of Medicine and other reputable sources. Another goal of the project will be to increase seniors’ ability to use information to develop an increased participation in their healthcare. Additionally the partners plan to build the seniors’ self-confidence and understanding in order to foster a community of health literate lifelong learners capable of researching and understanding new issues in managing their health.

Geisinger Health System
Danville, PA
Project Directors: Valerie A. Gross, et. al.

The “Access to Electronic Health Information: Senior Access to Trusted Sources” goal is to increase access to quality health information to the community of senior persons, via the use of Internet resources. This project will build an educational partnership to meet patients’ needs, enhance health literacy of patients and families, and improve senior persons’ ability to partner with caregivers in improving stroke outcome in the community and to increase access to quality health information to the community of senior persons, via the use of Internet resources. Seniors will be provided with information on the identification of cerebrovascular disorder (stroke) symptoms, how to respond to those symptoms and examples of how they can interact with their health care providers. A blended education initiative will be created to deliver the program’s course, “Stroke Internet Resources – Recognize, React, Recover.”

The Williamsport Hospital & Medical Center
Williamsport, PA
Project Director: Michael Heyd

The purpose of the project is to develop an electronic library linking two healthcare networks in rural North Central Pennsylvania, Susquehanna Health System and the Susquehanna Valley Rural Health Partnership, to improve access to information for healthcare professionals in this underserved region through electronic delivery, training, and support. The goal of the project is to improve the quality of care to all patients, including underserved and high-risk populations, by giving isolated physicians and other health care providers better tools, quicker access to information, and prompt electronic document delivery.

For complete information about all 40 projects, the press release can be found at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/nnlmelectronic04.html


by Rhonda J. Allard, Consumer Health Coordinator

Having trouble finding demographic information for Delaware?
Looking for minority health data in Pennsylvania?
Are library and information resources in New Jersey of interest?
Trying to find New York State vital statistics tables?

You need look no further than http://nnlm.gov/mar/regchar.html where we have links to all of this information…and more.

While the Middle Atlantic Region of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) consists of the smallest number of states [see http://nnlm.gov for the national map] it is the most densely populated of all of the NN/LM regions. Defined as that area east of the Appalachian Mountains from New York south to Delaware, it incorporates important waterways (including the Hudson and Delaware Rivers) and large urban areas (New York, Philadelphia, Newark, Pittsburgh) along the way.

The state pages are designed to support NN/LM-related outreach by librarians, researchers, and health care intermediaries. The scope of the content flows from the NN/LM mission and from the goal of the Middle Atlantic Region of improving health information services to rural and underserved populations as well as to public libraries and public health organizations. While the resources offered here do not necessarily represent a complete picture of each state or of the region, we provide a “snapshot” of each state, including a description and map, as well as selected links leading to special population statistics, library and information resources and the health status of the state.

We welcome your feedback and comments and hope that you will find these pages to be a valuable resource.


Beating the drums once again, we encourage you—nay urge you—to add to your Favorites or bookmark the home page of the NN//LM Middle Atlantic Region <http://nnlm.gov/mar> It is here that you will find links to funding opportunities, consumer health and other resources, publications and email lists, library groups and consortia, DOCLINE information (including the DOCLINE Hold Request form), and news and events.

While you are at it, you might also wish to take a look at and bookmark/add to your Favorites the newly revamped NN/LM Announcements page <http://nnlm.gov/news/>, containing handy links to announcements from and news of the entire world of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. There is a search box, archives, RSS feed, and a means of posting messages and comments. Take a moment to explore it and give us your feedback.


NLM is pleased to announce the debut of the NLM Catalog, a new Entrez database. The NLM Catalog provides access to NLM bibliographic data for over 1.2 million journals, books, audiovisuals, computer software, electronic resources, and other materials via the NCBI Entrez retrieval system. Supporting automated mapping features such as explosions on MeSH terms, the new database is an alternate search interface to the bibliographic records resident in LocatorPlus.

The NLM Catalog is available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi from the “Search” pull-down menu and from the PubMed sidebar. It is also a hyperlink under “Library Catalogs & Services” on the NLM homepage.

For further information about the new database, see the Overview (including an animated tutorial) at http://web.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query/static/nlmcat_help.html#overview

NETWORK SPOTLIGHT: VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System Adds Video to its Website

by Denise O’Shea, Technology Coordinator

This article is the third in a series of profiles on network member libraries and the librarians that run them.

As part of an initiative to deliver more information digitally, the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System has added video functionality to its website, http://www.va.gov/pittsburgh. The first four videos available on the site are actually public relations clips. One video contains a welcome message from the director, Michael E. Moreland (see Director’s Welcome on the homepage). Another video, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System: Providing Excellence in Veteran Health Care 24 7 365 provides an overview of the services and quality of care provided by the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System; and the latest are tapings of recent press conferences. All clips are available in two different bandwidths suitable for Dialup Modem or Broadband LAN, DSL or Cable Internet service. These videos also stream closed captioning, part of the federal government’s initiative to make its web content accessible to people with disabilities. All of the videos require Windows Media Player 9 or better to play properly. You can check their website, http://www.va.gov/pittsburgh on a periodic basis for additional video clips.

The website was designed and implemented by librarian Terrie R. Wheeler. Terrie taught herself HTML and Web design back in the mid-1990s, and she designed the hospital’s first website. This site was redesigned in 1998 and again in 2001. Today Terrie is the webmaster for both the hospital internet and intranet sites. In 2001, she created a library website to launch the library’s electronic products. Plus, as part of a plan to make information virtual to the hospital’s three campuses Terrie created web-based tutorials on a variety of topics. As a result of her successes with these resources, Terrie has become the “go to” person for other departments within her organization that have web-related needs. Her IT department has asked her to create online surveys, and she has provided the Education Department with a template that they can use to build web-based training modules in a systematic way. All of this work has resulted in Terrie hiring one staff person with extensive video expertise to do daily web maintenance and to bring her dream of eventually offering web-based patient teaching via streaming media closer to reality. With this person on staff, Terrie can concentrate on web development and administration of the organization’s document management system. The latter enables end users without any knowledge of html to put documents up on the web, and Terrie can organize these into departmental portals for everyone’s benefit.

At the 2004 MLA conference Terrie spoke about her experiences in overcoming IT barriers by developing innovative solutions such as the ones highlighted in this article.


The NN/LM E-Licensing Working Group was named by the National Library of Medicine in response to concerns expressed by RML Staff and Network members during NLM site visits. Two common concerns were voiced — “the challenges of negotiating electronic licensing agreements” and “the restrictions the agreements impose upon NN/LM Network Members in providing both ILL service and direct document delivery to unaffiliated healthcare providers and consumers.”

The NN/LM E-Licensing Working Group has been asked to:

  1. Identify existing state and regional resources that offer opportunities for libraries to participate in group licensing agreements or that assist libraries in negotiating their own agreements;
  2. Identify model language and practices related to negotiating agreements;
  3. Determine how best to disseminate information about model language and practices to NN/LM Network Member libraries; and
  4. Recommend additional actions that NLM and the NN/LM could take to assist Network Member libraries in negotiating license terms that meet the needs of their institutions and support the mission of the NN/LM.

Chaired by Renee Bougard, Associate Director of the NN/LM South Central Region, the Working Group’s members are:

Susan Barnes, NN/LM PNR, Seattle, WA
Lisa Boyd, NN/LM NNO, NLM, Bethesda, MD
Michelle Volesko Brewer, New Jersey Hospital Association Library & Corporate Information Services, Princeton, NJ
Dave Brunell, Bibliographic Center for Research, Aurora, CO
Robin Klein, University of Maryland Health Science and Human Services Library, Baltimore, MD
Ginger Saha, Case Western Reserve Medical Library, Cleveland, OH
Marty Thompson, University of Oklahoma Health Science Library, Oklahoma City, OK
Beth Weston, Serial Records Section, NLM, Bethesda, MD

A Medical Library Association Continuing Education course “Getting Electronic Scholarly Resources into the Hospital Setting: From Print to Digital,” is being developed by Judith S. Cohn, University Librarian, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, and will be offered at the 2005 Annual MLA Conference in San Antonio, Texas.

If you have questions or comments, please contact Joanne Jahr, Network Programs Coordinator, at the RML office.


The New York Academy of Medicine has mounted a new online catalog with Z39.50 capability. The URL is http://nyamed.aspvoy.endinfosys.com/

Any links you might have to it should be updated.


Thanks to Susan Barnes, a colleague in the NN/LM Pacific Northwest, who put it together, there is now available a free Web tutorial about the DOCLINE Routing Table, featuring videos and screen shots. Learn tips for finding and adding libraries to your routing table, for moving and deleting libraries, and for viewing and printing the table. View the DOCLINE Routing Table Tutorial on the Web at http://nnlm.gov/train/tutor/docline/

Any questions, contact Joanne Jahr at the RML, 212-822-7352, or jjahr@nyam.org


by Maureen Czujak, Assistant Director, National Training Center and Clearinghouse

The 2005 schedule of NLM online searching training classes is now available. The 2005 schedule, along with the remainder of the year 2004 classes, may be found at the National Training Center and Clearinghouse Web site http://nnlm.gov/mar/online or directly at http://nnlm.gov/mar/online/schedule.html

An article describing the courses can also be found in the NLM Technical Bulletin http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/techbull/ja04/ja04_train.html

Questions or problems, please contact Eva Daniels, the Assistant for the National Training Center and Clearinghouse at edaniels@nyam.org or 212-822-7354.



The following articles from the current Technical Bulletin are available on the Web at:

2004 July - August; 339

PubMed Central® New Journals Participating and New Content Added - e2
MLA 2004 - e3a-e

NLM Online Users’ Meeting 2004: Remarks - e3a
NLM Online Users’ Meeting 2004: MedlinePlus® and DOCLINE® PowerPoint® Presentations - e3b
NLM Online Users’ Meeting 2004: Questions and Answers - 3c
NLM Online Users’ Meeting 2004: NLM Update Videocast - e3d
NLM Online Users’ Meeting 2004: NLM Theater PowerPoint® Presentations – e3e

Search PubMed® from Household Products
Database - e4
Keyboarding Ceases as a Data Creation Method for MEDLINE® Citations - e5
Cataloging News - e6
NLM® Training Program: 2005 - e7

Technical Notes: - e1

National Training Center & Clearinghouse Educational Database Survey Results
New Books Added to NCBI Bookshelf
Minor Change to Shading on PubMed’s® Results Screen
International Agreement to Expand PubMed Central®
NLM Launches American Indian Health Site®
New Chapters Added to NCBI Bookshelf®
New Report Summaries Added to NCBI Bookshelf® [Note updated 8/24/2004]
MedlinePlus® Adds Find a Hospital Feature
NLM Announces a New Version of the PubMed Tutorial
Additional PubMed® Animated Tutorials Available
PubMed Milestone - 15 Millionth Journal Citation
Printer-friendly Function Added to NIHSeniorHealth





NN/LM, Middle Atlantic Region
The New York Academy of Medicine
1216 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029

Phone: 212-822-7396 or 800-338-RMLS; Fax: 212-534-7042
Email: user name (first initial last name) followed by @nyam.org; URL: http://nnlm.gov/mar


Director - Maxine L. Rockoff, Ph.D.
Associate Director - Naomi R. Adelman, Ph.D.
Consumer Health Information Coordinator - Rhonda Allard
Education Programs Coordinator - Joan Seidman
Network Programs Coordinator - Joanne Jahr
Outreach Programs Coordinator - Peggy Falls
Technology Coordinator - Denise O'Shea
Administrative Assistant - Dorothy Weyeneth
Administrative Assistant - Lucretia Coley


Assistant Director - Maureen Czujak
Online Analyst - Sharon A. Brown
Online Analyst - Mary Van Antwerp
Assistant for Training Services - Eva Daniels

Middle Atlantic Perspective is supported under NLM contract N01-LM-1-3521and is published bi-monthly.

Middle Atlantic Perspective Index | NN/LM

Back to MAR Homepage NN/LM- Middle Atlantic Region
New York Academy of Medicine
1216 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10029
Site maintained by MAR STAFF
Revised: October 22, 2004
URL: http://www.nnlm.gov/mar/perspec/2004/0005.html