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Contact: Brock McCleary (202) 225-2576

McHenry Statement on SCHIP Vote

Washington, Jan 14 -

Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10) released the following statement regarding his vote against H.R. 2.

“It is truly unfortunate that Congressional Democrats have chosen to play politics with children’s health care.  I support the Republican-established SCHIP program and have previously voted to reauthorize and fund the program.  My disagreements with this particular bill are two-fold.  First, the legislation eliminates the requirement that 95% of poor children be covered before the program is expanded to higher-income individuals.  This program must fulfill its mission to provide health care to poor children as opposed to advancing a partisan agenda for government-run health care.  Second, the legislation imposes a 156% increase in taxes on tobacco.  The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service calls this “one of the most regressive” taxes that disproportionately hurts lower-income Americans.  By putting politics ahead of poor children’s health care, this bill represents everything that is wrong with Washington.”



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