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Your Feedback Wanted for Site Visit

Thank you to those who have completed the feedback questionnaire for the MCR Site Visit Team. We need more of you to submit your comments and opinions–hospital librarians, public librarians. Kansas and Nebraska are not represented in the feedback submitted to date. The site visit team wants to hear from you!

The data from this questionnaire will identify strengths of this RML’s programming and future directions it should take. It is a required activity for the upcoming site visit from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) on November 19. The purpose of the site visit is to help MCR and NLM understand how Network members are being served, learn how MCR can strengthen its program to meet current and emerging needs in the region, and gather ideas for how NLM can support the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.

To access our feedback form, please click on the link below. You can answer as many questions as you want or provide other comments. We will be taking comments through November 4, 2008. /ch

Comments are closed.