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September 02, 2005
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer Statement on Labor Day

WASHINGTON DC – Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today in recognition of Labor Day, which is Monday, September 5th:

“American workers are talented, hardworking, and innovative.  They have made the United States the greatest nation on earth.

“The Democratic Party has always fought for fair pay, benefits and treatment of American workers, and our fight continues today.  Our successes have helped make our nation strong.

“Unfortunately, the Republicans in Washington have ignored American workers’ struggle today to afford health care, to cope with record high prices at the gas pump, and to get ahead in an economy that has left the average workers’ pay stagnant while CEOs have seen huge increases in pay.  And, there is no question that the Republican Party maintains a hostile stance toward the men and women in organized labor.

“New Census Bureau statistics show that since President Bush took office, 6 million more Americans do not have health insurance, 5.4 million more are living in poverty, and the median household income for American families dropped by $1,670 since 2000.

“Just this year, Republicans defeated a Democratic proposal to raise the minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25.  The minimum wage would be $8.88 if it had kept pace with inflation since it was enacted in 1968.

“The American worker will overcome these challenges and continue to power the world’s biggest economy.  And Democrats will keep fighting to give every American the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.”
