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July 29, 2005
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer: Congressional Republicans Have Overreached and Under-Performed

WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) made the following statement today at a press conference with other Democratic leaders highlighting the failure of Republicans in Congress to address issues important to the American people.

“The first six months of 2005 will be remembered as the beginning of the end of the Republican majority.

“Republicans have repeatedly demonstrated this year just how out of touch they are with the concerns of American voters.

“Seven in 10 voters believe that Congress does not have the same priorities as they do. 6 in 10 believe that Congress has not passed legislation this year that will improve their quality of life.  No wonder voters are so disappointed with Congressional Republicans.

“From their extraordinary intervention in the tragic Terri Schiavo case, to their disregard of the strong opposition to Social Security privatization, to their failure to address record budget deficits and debt, to their attempt to gut the House ethics process, they have overreached and ignored the public’s will.

“And they show no signs of stopping.

“In July alone, they introduced a Social Security plan that is a shell game, they passed four bills to weaken worker-safety protections, and they refused to raise the minimum wage.  Meanwhile the minimum wage has not been increased in eight years and has 40 percent less buying power than it did in 1968!

“This week, the House passed so-called health care bills that will do virtually nothing to rein in health care costs or put affordable health care coverage within reach for the 45 million Americans without health insurance.

“And they forced through a bad trade deal against the will of the House majority.

“It is clear that Congressional Republicans have both overreached and under-performed.

“Voters know it and they are craving change.

“Democrats are going to take our case to them over the next five weeks, and tell Americans how we would put America back on the right track.”
