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Site Visit Team Members Announced

We now know who’s on the site visit team that will be visiting the MidContinental Region on November 19. Some of the names may be familiar to you.

Kent Smith, former NLM Deputy Director, is leading the team; Reena Karani, MD from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, is the health professional member of the team; Irene Lovas, MLS from Cedar Sinai Medical Center Library, is the hospital librarian member of the team; Nancy McKeehan, MLSL from Medical University of South Carolina Library, is the academic medical librarian of the team; and Javier Crespo MSLIS from the NN/LM New England Region, is the NN/LM member of the team. Representing the National Library of Medicine are Sheldon Kotzin, Head of Library Operations, Angela Ruffin, Head of the National Network Office; and Barbara Nicholson, Technology Librarian of the National Network Office.

For more on the site visit see /ch

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