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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Class on DOCLINE Routing Tables

Monday, March 24th, 2008

Beginning April 8, 2008, the MCRML will be offering a free online class on using Routing Tables in DOCLINE.

This 60 minute online class will provide an in-depth look into DOCLINE Routing Tables.

Participants will learn about using their Borrowing Preferences, explanation of copyright compliance, editing Routing Tables, M/A/N Map, setting up Lending Options, and more!

The live class is taught the second Tuesday of each month starting at 10am (Mountain Time). This class is for beginning and intermediate level DOCLINE users but all DOCLINE users are welcome to attend!

Click for more information

LINKOUT Submission Utility to be Updated

Monday, March 24th, 2008

Attention LINKOUT libraries!

The Library Submission Utility will be updated to a new version in the first week of April. There will be a shut down of the current utility the morning of April 1 (Tuesday) to convert all participants’ holdings information to the new utility. (This is NOT an April Fools event!)

If all goes according to plans, the new utility will be up and running on April 4 (Friday).

Important Note! The functioning of your library icons and links in PubMed will NOT be affected during this period!

The new version of the utility has an improved layout and offers new functions, including a management interface for Outside Tool and Document Delivery Service, in addition to LinkOut.

Click here for more information

Should you have any questions, please write to

February Breezing Along with the RML Recording Available

Tuesday, February 26th, 2008

View the February Breezing Along with the RML recording.

Siobhan Champ-Blackwell, Community Outreach Liaison, Dana Abbey, Consumer Health Liaison, and Mary Helms, Associate Professor and Associate Director, University of Nebraska Medical Center presented two topics: “Sharing What Works” and “Academy of Health Information Professionals - Just Do It!” Learn more about ways you can share the work you are doing, and earn AHIP points while you are doing it!

PBS Documentary Unnatural Causes Release Dates Announced

Tuesday, December 11th, 2007

The release date has been announced for the upcoming PBS documentary “Unnatural Causes.” The four-part series will air on consecutive Thursdays this spring: March 27, April 3, 10, and 17, 2008. According to the website, the official website for the documentary will launch in March as well.

Please visit for more information on the documentary and on the issue of social determinants of health. (bbj)

Blogs, Wikis and More in Plain English

Monday, December 3rd, 2007

The folks at are at it again. Some of you may remember their video RSS in Plain English [] that I posted to the RML news. Here are three other short videos from Common Craft, each of which is a little over 3 minutes long.

Blogs in Plain English

Wikis in Plain English

Social Bookmarking in Plain English
