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Training for creating emergency service continuity plan

An emergency can be as wide-scale as an earthquake or flash flood or as local as a burst pipe in the book stacks. Do you know how to ensure the continuation of your primary services and access to your primary resources in the event of an emergency at your library? Learn and share strategies for creating a service continuity plan during this 90-minute online class.

Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Time: 2:30-4 pm MT, 3:30-5pm CT
Instructor: Dan Wilson, Coordinator, NN/LM Emergency Preparedness Project

To participate via Adobe Connect go to:

Log in as Guest with your first and last name. There will be instructions for having the system call your phone.

If you have a phone with an extension or another reason it can’t call you, you can also call in manually at the number below. You can call in starting 15 minutes prior to the start of the teleconference. 1-866-846-3997 Passcode: 579437

If you have questions please contact Claire Hamasu or 1-800-338-7657 (1-800-DEV-ROKS)! /ch

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