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Archive for April, 2008

NCBI Introduction to Molecular Biology Information Resources

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

This three-day course, offered by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) on April 2-4, 2008, was recorded for viewing on demand.

The course provides an overview of flagship search systems and databases available at the National Center for Biotechnology Information emphasizes how your current search skills apply to molecular biology databases. A tour of advanced Entrez search features illustrates techniques for effective and efficient retrieval of molecular data and will help you to address some common user needs. The course also introduces more technical search systems, including BLAST, Map Viewer, and the Cn3D viewer for three-dimensional protein structures.

Full course information is available at:


Evidence Based Medicine Resources - free and online!

Friday, April 25th, 2008

Need some way to understand Evidence Based Medicine just a little better? Check out these tutorials:

AHIP and Your RML

Friday, April 25th, 2008

Attention AHIP’sters and AHIP’ster wannabes!

The MCRML has identified several ways Network members who are working towards earning
Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) points can also work with their MidContinental Region Medical Library. If you are working towards or renewing your AHIP or would just like to find out how to get involved in the interesting MCRML projects, please visit

Technology Class: Social Bookmarking

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

Come learn how to adopt this Web 2.0 tool and how it can benefit your library during a one hour online class on Thursday, May 29th, 2008 at 11 AM CDT. The session will be held online using Adobe Connect; all you need to participate is a web browser and a telephone (the phone call is free of charge).

Contact Rebecca Brown (NN/LM Technology Liaison) at to sign up for the class.

Jim Honour, Wyoming Liaison

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

After a long search, the University of Wyoming has hired Jim Honour as the MidContinental Region’s Wyoming Liaison. Jim’s first day of work will be April 30, 2008 and he’ll have his first outreach experience at a county health fair that weekend in Jackson Hole! Members in Jackson Hole stop by and meet him! Jim is a recent library school graduate from the University of Denver’s Library and Information Science program who has worked in health sciences libraries as both a paraprofessional and a professional. He has experience in both academic health sciences as well as hospital libraries. Jim has received awards for his customer service. The liaisons and I are pleased to have the Jim to work with in Wyoming. Please welcome Jim to the MidContinental Region. Jim’s email address is /ch

Emergency Planning and Preparedness resources for Nebraska

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

The Nebraska state page from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine-MidContinental Region’s web site now has links to Emergency Planning and Preparedness information. Know of a resource that should be included? Email with the link. [mm]

Check out the Center for Biopreparedness Education - 20 Week Stockpiling Checklist. Be prepared!

Add to your MLA Meeting Schedule

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2008

For all of you who will be in Chicago attending MLA next month be sure to check the listing of events involving NLM and the RML staff. These include the NLM Update, sunrise sessions, papers and posters. Be sure to add these sessions to the online meeting planner or whatever you use to tell you where you’re supposed to be when!

From the NLM Technical Bulletin Mar-Apr 2008 issue/ch

Colorado and Wyoming Emergency Preparedness Resources

Friday, April 18th, 2008

The Colorado and Wyoming state pages from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine-MidContinental Region’s web site now have links to emergency planning and preparedness information. Know of a resource that should be included? Email with the link. [da]

Kansas Emergency Planning and Preparedness Links

Friday, April 18th, 2008
As many of you know, the National Network of Libraries of Medicine is working at the national, regional and local levels to implement a continuity of operations plan (COOP) for the Network that will ensure continuous access to health information and effective use of libraries and librarians when disasters occur.
To assist librarians in Kansas with serving their library and patrons, I have posted a number of links to Kansas specific emergency planning and preparedness sites, along with national resources. You can find the page on the NN/LM MidContinental Region’s web site by clicking here.
If there are additional resources that you know of that I have missed, please forward them to me at and I will add them to the list. [RB]

April Breezing Session Available

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

If you missed the April 16th Breezing Along with the RML or would like to review it, click here.

Emergency! was the topic of the April Breezing Along with the RML on Wednesday April 16, 2008. Claire Hamasu, Associate Director provided an update on all the work that has been going on at the national and regional levels. Dean Walton was our special guest this month. Dean is an Assistant Professor and Science Librarian at the University of Oregon. One of his areas of interest is the role of libraries in natural disasters. He presented us with his views on this topic.