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Carbon Sequestration
Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships – Deployment Phase
 Deployment Phase Field Tests
Project Descriptions

The Deployment Phase, scheduled to begin in FY 2008 and run through FY 2017, will demonstrate at large scale that CO2 capture, transportation, injection, and storage can be achieved safely, permanently, and economically.

These large-volume deployment tests will provide concurrent input to the FutureGen Initiative, which will produce both hydrogen and electricity from a highly efficient and technologically sophisticated power plant while capturing and sequestering the CO2 emissions. The geologic structures to be tested during these large-volume sequestration tests could become candidate sites for future near zero emissions power plants.

The primary goal of the Deployment Phase is the development of large-scale CCS projects across North America, where large volumes of CO2 will be injected into a geologic formation representative of a relatively large storage capacity for each Region. The injection will continue over several years. Recognizing that CO2 sources vary widely from Region to Region and that some Regions will have limited access to large volumes of CO2, injection volumes may vary. The RCSPs, however, will be expected to maximize CO2 injection volumes that fully utilize the infrastructure of the Region. Projects that procure CO2 from natural gas processing plants or natural vents may inject one million tons or more of CO2 per year, depending upon cost and availability.

The Deployment Phase tests will be implemented in three stages which will test key technologies during the demonstration and deployment:


Years 1–3

  • Site selection and characterization
  • Permitting and NEPA compliance
  • Well completion and testing
  • Infrastructure development

Years 4–7

  • CO2 procurement and transportation
  • Injection operations
  • Monitoring activities

Years 8–10

  • Site closure
  • Post-injection monitoring
  • Project assessment
CO2 Injection Well

While projects in the Validation Phase are designed to demonstrate that regional sequestration sites have the potential to store thousands of years’ worth of CO2 emissions in the U.S., the large-volume sequestration tests in the Deployment Phase will also address practical issues such as sustainable injectivity, well design for both integrity and increased capacity, and reservoir behavior with respect to prolonged injection. Such issues can only be addressed by scaling up the size and duration of sequestration projects. Key operational issues and lessons learned will vary since each Region will have different geologic formations, overlying seals, and structural issues that can affect the safe and effective storage of CO2 for millennia.