Federal Trade Commission Hearings on Global and Innovation-Based Competition

December 13, 1995

The following is the currently planned schedule of topics and witnesses for these hearings; it is subject to further change.

Global and Innovation-Based Competition

  • Opening (Oct 12 | Oct 17)
  • Market Definition, Market Power and Entry in Light of Global Competition ( Oct 18 | Oct 19)
  • Market Definition, Market Power and Entry and Collaboration in Innovation Markets (Oct 23 | Oct 24 | Oct 25)
  • Innovation or Dynamic Efficiencies Obtained Through Collaboration (Oct 26)
  • Efficiencies (General) (Nov 02)
  • Efficiences in Light of Global Competition and Innovation (Nov 07)
  • Small Business' Ability to Compete in a Changing Global, Innovation-Based Economy (Nov 08)
  • Failing Firms in Light of Global Competition (Nov 14 | Nov 15)
  • Networks, Standards, Foreclosure, Strategic Conduct (Nov 29)
  • How Should Antitrust Enforcers Assess Foreclosure, Access and Efficacy Issues Related to Networks and Standards? ( Nov 30)
  • Horizontal and Vertical Issues Related to Networks and Standards ( Dec 01)
  • Whether Antitrust Enforcers Should Adjust Current Enforcement Policy Regarding Efficiences Dec 05
  • What Institutional Processes Will Help the FTC to Attain Its Goals? (Dec 12 | Dec 13)

FTC's Consumer Protection Role in the Emerging High-Tech Global Marketplace

  • Welcome and Opening Statements (Nov 16)
  • Panel Discussions:
    Panel 1: The Changing Marketplace: An Historical Perspective
    Panel 2: The Changing Role of Television in Marketing
    Panel 3: The Changing Role of the Telephone in Marketing (Nov 17)
    Panel 4: Telephone and Payment Technologies: Emerging Issues
    Panel 5: The Newest Medium for Marketing: Cyberspace (Nov 20)
    Panel 6: Privacy in Cyberspace
    Panel 7: Globalization of the Marketplace: Cross Border Fraud (Nov 21)
    Panel 8: International Trade and Consumer Protection Issues

Last Modified: Monday, 25-Jun-2007 16:27:00 EDT