CSG Midwest News

Make plans now to attend the 64th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Legislative Conference, August 9-12 in Overland Park, Kansas
January 13 - This year’s keynote address will be given by Robert Ballard, an oceanographer best known for his discoveries of the underwater wreckages of ships such as the Titanic. Ballard is founder of the JASON project, an initiative aimed at sparking young people’s interest in math and science.

Historian and best-selling author Douglas Brinkley will close the MLC Annual Meeting with a presentation on elections and the American presidency. A distinguished professor of history at Rice University, Brinkley is the history commentator for CBS News and a contributing editor to Vanity Fair.

Ballard and Brinkley are prolific authors. A variety of their books will be for sale at the meeting, and there will be book-signing periods scheduled for both authors. Ballard’s books on the discovery of the Titanic and the German battleship Bismarck were both No. 1 best sellers on the New York Times and London Times lists. Brinkley has written or co-written more than two dozen books. Five of his latest books have been New York Times best sellers.

In addition to these high-profile speakers, the MLC Annual Meeting will feature policy sessions and networking opportunities for the region’s state legislators.

The family-friendly event also offers evening social events and daytime activities for guests of all ages.

Please click here to register.

Stateline Midwest examines "green jobs" debate, other key policy issues for 2009 sessions  
January 12 - "Green jobs" is a phrase increasingly being used in state capitols around the region and in Washington, D.C. This month's cover story of Stateline Midwest examines the policy debate over green jobs, as well as some of the strategies already being pursued by states to make advances in energy and grow their economies. Other stories in the January edition focus on the region's biodiesel laws and the tough year ahead for state Medicaid budgets. Also included are a profile of North Dakota Sen. John Warner and an article by Iowa Rep. Elesha Gayman on efforts to tackle her state's "brain drain."

Firstline Midwest details state efforts to prevent foreclosure

December 15 - As the nation’s financial crisis worsens, more and more Americans face losing their homes. State policymakers throughout the Midwest are taking action to prevent foreclosure by educating consumers, providing financial assistance and cracking down on unfair lending practices.

Click here to read the December issue of Firstline Midwest.

What are some of the key policy trends affecting this region’s states and their lawmakers?
December 15 - One way to find out – and to stay informed throughout the year -- is by signing up for one or more of the many electronic newsletters published by the staff at CSG Midwest. Newsletters are offered on a broad range of policy issues – including agriculture, economic development and health care. CSG Midwest also has e-newsletters tracking the latest developments in regional passenger rail, radioactive waste transportation and Great Lakes policy. To sign up for any of these newsletters, please click here.

Applicants sought for Midwest’s premier legislative leadership training program
December 8 - Applications for this summer’s Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Development (BILLD) are now available. BILLD is the only leadership training program designed exclusively for newer state legislators in the Midwest. Regional lawmakers in their first four years of legislative service are encouraged to submit applications, which are due on March 30. Each year, BILLD awards fellowships to 36 select legislators in the Midwestern states and provinces to help them develop the skills they need to be effective leaders and policymakers. The 15th annual Bowhay Institute will be held July 10-14 in Madison, Wis. The intensive five-day program is conducted by the Midwestern Legislative Conference of The Council of State Governments, in cooperation with The Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin. Learn more about BILLD or access the application.


Past MLC meeting highlights

For more information or to sign-up for any of these complimentary publications, please click here.


CSG Midwest staff visits the state capitols in the region to meet with legislators and other state officials. Please do not hesitate to contact the staff person for more information or to make an appointment to meet during our visit.  Click here for additional information.

Visit CSG on the Web for comprehensive state-by-state coverage of 2008 primary, special and general election results.

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The Council of State Governments  Midwestern Office
701 East 22nd Street  ●  Suite 110  ●  Lombard, Illinois 60148
Tel: 630/925-1922 ● Fax: 630/925-1930 ● E-mail: csgm@csg.org