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Office Of Enforcement
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To whom do these sanctions regulations apply?


  All U.S. persons and entities (companies, non-profit groups, government agencies, etc.) wherever located.
Compass Icon What related guidance does OFAC have on these sanctions?
  Sanctions Brochures
    See primary Iraq page
  General Licenses
    See primary Iraq page
  Interpretative Guidance
    See primary Iraq page
  Additional Guidance
    Guidance on Payments PDF icon
    License Application Guidelines Under the Oil-for-Food programPDF icon
    Facilitation of non-commericial humanitarian funds transfers PDF icon
    License authorizing CPA and U.S. persons to do business with Rafidain and Rasheed (From the Coalition Provisional Authority Website)PDF icon
Capitol Building Icon What laws, rules and regulations provide the legal framework for the sanctions?
  Executive Orders
    See primary Iraq page
    See primary Iraq page
Code of Federal Regulations
    See primary Iraq page
Federal Register Notices
    See primary Iraq page
United Nations Security Council Resolutions
    See primary Iraq page
Legal Disclaimer:
This document is explanatory only and does not have the force of law. The Executive Orders and implementing regulations dealing with Iraq contain the legally binding provisions governing the sanctions and this document does not supplement or modify those Executive Orders or regulations.