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House Judiciary Committee Members Warn Rove of Subpoena

Congressman John Conyers

For Immediate Release
May 1, 2008
Contact: Jonathan Godfrey
Melanie Roussell

(Washington, DC)- Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), as well as committee members Linda Sánchez (D-CA), Artur Davis (D-AL), and Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), responded to former White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove's letter, sent by his attorney, refusing to testify voluntarily before the Committee. Conyers advises Rove's attorney that he may seek to compel Rove's testimony if he does not agree by May 12 to testify voluntarily. The full text of the letter is linked along with a copy of Rove's attorney's letter.

Rove attorney Luskin replies to committee request for Rove's Appearance

Luskin replies to committee request for Rove's Appearance at hearing



