From: Noemi Aguilar (naguilar@famlit.org)
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 08:25:18 EDT

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Celebrating the
Free: New Professional Development Workshop in Adult Literacy Education
For adult literacy educators seeking a deeper understanding of reading
instruction and assessment in the field of adult literacy education. A new
one day (6 hours) professional development workshop for adult literacy
educators wanting to better understand contemporary policy, research, and
practice in teaching reading with adults in the United States. Featuring
Literacy as Freedom in the United States throughout the last 100 years as a
major theme for advocacy.
Workshop Title: Adult Reading Instruction and Assessment in the Last 100
Presenter: Dr. Tom Sticht, International Consultant in Adult Education
Schedule: Morning: 9am-12noon
Part I: Overview of Policy in Adult Reading including the Reading Excellence
Act of 1998: Definitions of "reading" and "scientific research", Workforce
Investment Act of 1998: Title 2: Adult Education and Family Literacy Act,
Partnership for Reading - 2000/2003: Reading Research Working Group Equipped
for the Future Reading Project, Reading Research
Part 2: Historical and Contemporary Overview of Teaching Reading With
Adults: 1910 - 2003 (with examples of books and other teaching materials
over the last 100 years). This covers basic methods of teaching reading with
adults from the early work of Cora Wilson Stewart in 1910 through the latest
work on dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz in 2003.
Schedule: 12:00-1:00 Lunch
Schedule: 1:00pm-4:00pm
Part 3: Assessing the Reading Ability of Adults in the United States
including samples of items from every major assessment of adult literacy
since World War I when the first widely used standardized "mental tests" for
adults were developed, to the internet-based Partnership for Reading: Adult
Education Reading
Instruction: Reading Assessment Profiles and the new National Assessment of
Adult Literacy (NAAL) of 2003
Part 4: The Intergenerational Transfer of Literacy From Parents to Children
Intergenerational Transfer Statistical Data From 1972 to 1992 including the
oracy to literacy transfer phenomenon, and genetic, biological, and
socio-economic factors affecting the transfer of literacy across
generations. Close of workshop.
This workshop is FREE and is extensively illustrated with research-based
data and includes implications for advocacy for adult literacy education.
SPONSORS PAY only travel expenses for the presenter. NO FEE is charged for
the workshop. Sponsors may use the workshop as a fund raising activity if
desired. For information about offering this workshop in your area send a
message to tsticht@aznet.net or telephone (619) 444-9133.
About Tom Sticht
In 2003 Dr. Sticht received UNESCO's Mahatma Gandhi medal for his 25 years
of voluntary service on UNESCO's International Literacy Prize Jury; in 1997
the Reading Research Quarterly reported that his work and that of Paulo
Freire were the two most influential lines of research affecting adult
literacy education in the United States in the last thirty years; in 1994 he
was elected to the Reading Hall of Fame; and in 1978 he received the
International Reading Association's Albert J. Harris Award for research on
adult learning disabilities. He is the co-author of McGraw-Hill's 15 volume
set of Glencoe Occupational Adult Learning Skills
(GOALS) books that integrate vocational, reading, and mathematics education
for adults, he developed classroom and computer-based literacy programs for
the Army, Navy and Air Force, and he has served on the Advisory Board of the
Center for the Book in the Library of Congress, the National Governor's
Association's Advisory Group for Achieving National Education Goal 6 (adult
literacy); the National Commission on Working Women; the Partnership for
Reading's Reading Research Working Group, and the Secretary of Labor's
Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS). His work has appeared in
Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, USA
Today, in London The Times, Daily Mail, and The Guardian, in New Zealand the
National Business Review.
Contact: Dr. Thomas G. Sticht
International Consultant in Adult Education
2062 Valley View Blvd.
El Cajon, CA 92019-2059
Tel/fax: (619) 444-9133
Email: tsticht@aznet.net

Noemi Aguilar
National Center for Family Literacy
325 West Main Street, Suite 300
Louisville, KY 40202-4237

Phone: 502/584-1133 ext 168
Fax: 502/584-0172
E-mail: naguilar@famlit.org

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