Zumwalt Destroyer Program

Hundreds join Kennedy, Ramstad at rally in support of mental health parity legislation

Senate leaders commended for including bill in tax relief package

September 17, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Patrick J. Kennedy (D-RI) joined House and Senate colleagues and numerous mental health and substance abuse advocacy organizations at a rally today to continue to press for passage of mental health and substance abuse parity legislation.  Yesterday, Senate leaders announced they had reached agreement on a package of tax extenders that would include legislation mandating parity for mental health treatment.


Congressmen Kennedy and Jim Ramstad (R-MN) are the primary sponsors of H.R. 1424, the Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act, legislation that would compel insurance companies to cover mental illnesses on the same basis as physical illnesses.  Their legislation is named for former Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN), one of the original champions of mental health parity.  His son, Dave Wellstone, also spoke at the rally.


A separate mental health parity bill was introduced and passed in the Senate by Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Pete Domenici (R-NM).  After months of negotiations, the House and Senate agreed on a single version of mental health parity legislation.  That version was included in the tax extenders package introduced yesterday in the Senate.


“I am especially excited to join you all today in light of the news we received last night that mental health parity was included in the Senate’s tax extenders package.  Indeed, this is encouraging news for everyone that has worked so hard for so many years on this legislation.  We are one step closer to erasing the discrimination that is emotionally and financially devastating for millions of Americans” said Congressman Kennedy.


“I also want to acknowledge the efforts of Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and his Ranking Member Charles Grassley for including this legislation in the compromise tax extenders package,” continued Kennedy.


Other Members joining Congressmen Ramstad and Kennedy at today’s rally included Senator Chris Dodd, Congressman Chris Van Hollen, Congressman Pete Stark, Congresswoman Betty McCollum, and Dave Wellstone.


“I would like to thank everyone that helped to make today such a success.  Only by continually raising awareness of the pressing importance of this issue are we going to ensure that it is passed before we adjourn next week.  The broad support that exists for this bill, evidenced by the turn-out here today, and this latest achievement have put us close to the finishing line.  It’s time to send this bill to the President,” said Kennedy.

