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A Message from the Editor

The Great American Smokeout

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December 2008

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A Message from the Editor

November 26, 2008

Approximately 43.4 million (or 1 in 5) U.S. adults are current smokers. Smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke result in approximately 443,000 premature deaths in the United States annually. But this needn't be the case.

The third Thursday of November—which this year fell on November 20—marks the Great American Smokeout, an annual event sponsored by the American Cancer Society (ACS) that encourages smokers to quit for at least one day in the hope that this might challenge them to stop using tobacco permanently and to raise awareness of the many effective ways to quit for good.

ACS, a partner of CDC's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy and service.

In observance of the 32nd Annual Great American Smokeout, CDC published a feature article with helpful resources and information on smoking cessation. Included in the feature are links to smoking-related eCards and the informative podcast Quit for your Family's Sake.

The article's content is one of the most valuable gifts you can give. And, on that note, we wish you and yours a safe and healthy holiday season.

Warm Regards,

Division of Partnerships and Strategic Alliances

CDC Headlines

Public Health Grand Rounds Bring Together Experts
Public Health Grand Rounds A Public Health Grand Rounds (PHGR) Webcast on falls and traumatic brain injury (TBI) prevention brought together an expert panel who discussed this emerging public health concern that will continue to grow as the U.S. population ages and more baby boomers reach retirement. >> read the full text

It's Turkey Time: Safely Prepare Your Holiday Meal
Photo: TurkeyWhether you're a seasoned chef or a novice preparing your first Thanksgiving meal, be aware of safety issues when thawing, preparing, stuffing and cooking your turkey. >> read the full text

CEALS: Improving Public Health Education
Public Health Grand RoundsDisease control and prevention is the focus of public health. But for public health professionals to be knowledgeable of the steps they need to take to control and prevent disease, education is essential. Opportunities for public health education and training are no longer limited to the classroom. >> read the full

Events and Seminars

All events and seminars listed are open to CDC's partners. For more information, contact the POC listed. >> read the full text

December 2008
Beckett Family Lecture: A Focus on Disabilities
December 11
Hosted by CDC, Autism Speaks and the Association of University Centers on Disability

CDC Personnel

Moses Brewington, EEO specialist, Office of Dispute Resolution and Equal Employment Opportunity, OD, November 30.

Ronald M. Davis, MD, former director of CDC's Office on Smoking and Health, died November 6.

Judith Luchtan, former CDC MMWR employee, died October 24.

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