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A Message from the Editor

March Health Observances.


CDC Headlines

  • Residential Fire H.E.L.P.
  • No Choking Matter
  • Mapping Public Health


Events and Seminars

March 2008

  • 2008 International Conference on Emerging Diseases
  • 42nd National Immunization Conference

April 2008

  • 57th Annual Epidemic Intelligence Services (EIS) Conference


CDC Personnel

  • Retirements
  • Personnel Changes


CDC History

  • Tubal sterilization linked to ectopic pregnancy.


Get Informed

A Message from the Editor

March 4, 2008

March is a busy month for health observances—National Brain Injury Awareness, National Colorectal Cancer Month, National Nutrition Month, and American Diabetes Alert Day (March 25), to name a few. In observance of National Brain Injury Awareness Month, we’ve included a podcast titled Deaths from Unintentional Injury: Lessons Learned.

Deaths from unintentional injuries account for approximately two thirds of deaths from all injuries in the United States. From 1999 to 2004, overall in the United States, the rate of deaths caused by unintentional injuries increased 7 percent. This report describes the leading causes of death from unintentional injuries and discusses how raising awareness about the causes of these injuries is key to preventing unintentional injuries and reducing the number of deaths that result.

While you’re enjoying the podcast, be sure to stop by the CDC Partners’ Web site and see what’s new. As always, feel free to send any feedback, questions or concerns regarding CDC Partnership Matters or the Partners’ Web site to CDC Partnerships.

CDC Headlines

Residential Fire H.E.L.P.
Fires and burns are among the leading causes of unintentional injury deaths in the United States, and older adults are at much higher risk for residential fire deaths. CDC has partnered with the Meals On Wheels and the International Association of Fire Chiefs to develop and implement Fire H.E.L.P. >> read the full text

No Choking Matter
The "choking game," involves intentionally choking oneself or another to obtain a brief euphoric "high." CDC recently released a study on this deadly activity that has resulted in death and severe injury to some youth participants. >>read the full text

Mapping Public Health
The Interactive Atlas of Reproductive Health creates visual snapshots of reliable reproductive health data in the United States. Persons with limited epidemiological experience or who are not familiar with GIS or statistics can use this tool to access national, state, and local reproductive health data and visual details. >>read the full text

Events and Seminars

All events and seminars listed are open to CDC's partners. For more information, contact the POC listed. >>read the full text

March 2008
2008 International Conference on Emerging Diseases
March 16-19
Hosted by CDC and Partner Organizations

42nd National Immunization Conference
March 17-20
Hosted by the National Immunization Program, CDC

April 2008
57th Annual Epidemic Intelligence Services (EIS) Conference
April 14-18
Hosted by the Office of Workforce and Career Development, CDC

CDC Personnel

Rosemarie (Rose) M. Horsley, team lead, Division of Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention, NCHHSTP, February 29.

Peter M. Schantz, VMD, PhD, Division of Parasitic Diseases, National Center for Zoonotic, Vectorborne, and Enteric Diseases, CCID, March 31.

Personnel Changes
Walter S. Harris has been appointed as chief management officer, Office of the Director, CCHIS, effective February 21.

Ed Sontag has been named special advisor to the director, Office of the Director, CDC, effective February 21.

CDC History

Mar. 13, 1997: CDC researchers published a New England Journal of Medicine study showing an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy after tubal sterilization. Ectopic pregnancy is a potentially life-threatening form of pregnancy in which implantation of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies were the leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths in the first trimester.

Peterson HB, Xia Z, Hughes JM, Wilcox LS, Tylor LR, Trussell J. The risk of ectopic pregnancy after tubal sterilization, NEJM 1997; 336(11):762–767.

CDC press release issued March 1997.

Female sterilization: Risk of ectopic pregnancy after tubal sterilization fact sheet.

Get Informed

CDC Injury Research Agenda

Deaths from Unintentional Injury: Lessons Learned

Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Toolkit

CDC Partnership Matters: Reader's Feedback
The bi-weekly update is prepared by CDC's Division of Partnership and Strategic Alliances. Readers are welcome to comment by e-mail to


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