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Office of Science Laboratory Performance Appraisal Process

In Fiscal Year 2006, the Office of Science (SC) instituted a new process for evaluating the scientific, technological, management, and operational performance of the contractors who run its ten national laboratories.  Many attributes of this new laboratory appraisal methodology were the result of recommendations of a committee of Office of Science senior managers who undertook an extensive review of the strengths and weaknesses of the previous process.  Their report, “Revisiting the Office of Science Laboratory Appraisal Process,” was released on December 14, 2004 and is available on the SC website.

The new appraisal process instituted a common structure and scoring system across all ten of the Office of Science laboratories.  Structured around eight performance goals, the appraisal process emphasizes the importance of delivering the science and technology necessary to meet the missions of the Department of Energy; of operating the laboratories in a safe, secure, responsible and cost-effective way; and of recognizing the leadership, stewardship and value-added provided by the senior leadership of the laboratory and its managing contractor.  Input is solicited from all entities investing $1 million or more at the laboratory.

Each of the Performance Goals is comprised of a small number of Objectives, which may or may not identify additional Performance Measures intended to assist the reviewer in determining the contractor’s performance.  The Performance Measures typically identify significant activities, requirements, and/or milestones important to the success of the corresponding Objective.  Although the Performance Measures are a primary means for determining performance, the evaluating office may also use other available performance information to determine the contractor’s success in meeting an Objective.

The Performance Goals, Objectives, and Measures for each laboratory are documented at the beginning of each year within a Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan (PEMP) which is incorporated into the respective laboratory contract via a contract modification.  Information regarding an individual laboratory PEMP may be obtained by contacting the appropriate SC Laboratory Site Office.

The new process uses a standard five-point (0-4.3) scoring system with corresponding grades for each Performance Goal; SC uses the scores to create “Report Cards” for each laboratory.  Table A provides the scale SC uses for assigning scores and letter grades.  A grade of “B+” is awarded to a Performance Objective that meets the “expected” level of performance for that Objective.  Grades above a “B+” indicate a degree of performance that exceeds expectations, while correspondingly lower grades indicate degrees of performance which have not met expectations and need improvement.  The grade for each Performance Goal is based on the weighted sum of its corresponding Performance Objective(s) scores. 

Final Grade












Total Score












Table A.  Score/Letter Grade Scale

The new appraisal process has enhanced the Office of Science management’s involvement in the evaluation of its laboratories’ performance through a series of meetings designed to establish challenging yet equitable performance measures for all the labs at the beginning of the year, and subsequently discuss and evaluate the laboratories’ performance at the end of the year.  Both the laboratories’ report cards and evaluation reports are made available to the public. 

The Office of Science’s laboratory appraisal process is managed by the SC Office of Laboratory Policy and Evaluation.

FY 2007 Office of Science Laboratory Performance Report Cards

FY 2006 Office of Science Laboratory Performance Report Cards


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