Commission Actions for January 2005

January 31, 2005

January 27, 2005

  • Memorandum of Understanding On Mutual Assistance In Consumer Protection Matters Between the Federal Trade Commission of the United States of America and the Procuraduria Federal Del Consumidor (Office of the Federal Attorney for Consumer Protection) of the United Mexican States
  • Memorandum De Entendimiento Para La Asistencia Mutua En Materia De Proteccion Al Consumidor Entre La Procuraduria Federal Del Consumidor De Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Y La Comision Federal De Comercio De Los Estados Unidos De America
    • Text of the Federal Register Notice Delegating Authority for Responding to Requests From Mexico's Procuraduria Federal Del Consumidor
    • News Release

January 26, 2005

January 25, 2005

  • Section 7A of the Clayton Act: Filings Made Pursuant to the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976
    16 C.F.R. Parts 801, 802 and 803: Premerger Notification; Reporting and Waiting Period Requirements: Final Rules
    Amending the Premerger Notification Rules to Reflect Adjustments and Publication of Reporting Thresholds
  • Section 7A of the Clayton Act: Revised Jurisdictional Thresholds For Filings Made Pursuant to the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976

January 24 , 2005

January 21, 2005

January 19, 2005

January 18, 2005

January 14, 2005

January 12, 2005

January 11, 2005

January 7 , 2005

  • Agreements Filed with the Federal Trade Commission under the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003: Summary of Agreements Filed in FY 2004: A Report by The Bureau of Competition
  • Regulatory Reform Project: Ongoing Systematic Review of Rules and Guides: Notice of Regulatory Review Schedule for 2005
  • Small Business Paperwork Relief Act: Federal Trade Commission Report to Congress for Fiscal Year 2004 (December 2004)
  • In the Matter of Sunbelt Lending Services, Inc., FTC File No.: 042 3153

January 6, 2005

January 5, 2005

January 4, 2005

Last Modified: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2007 16:32:00 EDT