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Doing Business with the NSO

Whether you choose to work in one of our facilities or borrow a technical expert to work at one of yours, we are interested in talking to you about possible technological collaborations.
Some of the possible mechanisms for collaboration with private industry and other government agencies include:

Cooperative Research and Development Agreements

Also known as a CRADA, a cooperative research and development agreement is a tool that allows us to form research and development partnerships with other organizations. A CRADA often has fewer legal conditions than are found in other kinds of federal contracts, grants, and agreements.

We can also serve as a copartner in a CRADA between a national laboratory and your organization. DOE and the commercial partner usually provide matching funds to underwrite the collaborative research project, and the two share in the technical results and the profits received from the joint effort.

Cooperative Agreements

These agreements focus on the continuing development of an existing technology rather than on inventing new technologies. Cooperative agreements often produce significant improvements in existing instruments and processes. The funding mechanism and shared benefits are very similar to a CRADA's.

Patent License Agreements

With permission from the Department of Energy, we can obtain the patent rights to our technologies. These patent rights can then be licensed for use by a commercial company.

The government retains the right to use the technology for government purposes. The government and the private company negotiate royalty rights, legal rights, and other conditions. Funds earned by the government from the agreement go back to the laboratory to generate more technology transfer partnerships. The commercial company acquires technical knowledge as well as financial benefits from intellectual property developed during government-funded research.

Technical Consulting and Personnel Exchange

Our scientists, engineers, and technical experts possess specialized knowledge. Outside agencies and commercial companies can use their expertise and skill to solve a specific problem through a technical consulting and personnel exchange. Generally, no proprietary information is exchanged.

Reimbursable Work-For-Others

A private company may initiate a partnership with us to develop a technology or solve a problem. The entire cost of the work is borne by the industry partner. The service or technology involved in the work-for-others agreement is unique and not commercially available. Intellectual property rights are negotiated before any work begins.

User Facility Agreement and Technology Deployment Centers

We can rent a portion of some existing facilities to a commercial user to train the user in the mechanics of a process. The commercial partner can then transfer this technology back to its own factory or facility.

Mailing address:
U.S. Department of Energy
National Nuclear Security Administration
Nevada Site Office
P.O. Box 98518
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8518

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Date Last Modified: October 29, 2008