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U.S. Military Assistance in Producing Motion Pictures,
Television Shows, Music Videos

Department of Defense
Special Assistant for Entertainment Media
Department of Defense
The Pentagon, Room 2E592
Washington, DC 20301-1400
(703) 695-2936 / FAX (703) 695-1149

For information regarding U.S. military assistance in producing feature motion pictures, television shows, documentaries, music videos, commercial advertisements, CD-ROM games, and other audiovisual programs, please contact the Military Service being portrayed or being asked to provide assistance:

Chief, Office of Army Chief of Public Affairs
Los Angeles Branch
10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1250
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 235-7621 / FAX (310) 235-6075

Director, Navy Office of Information West
10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1220
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 235-7481 / FAX (310) 235-7856

Air Force
Director, Secretary of the Air Force
Office of Public Affairs
Office of Public Affairs-Entertainment Liaison
10880 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1240
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 235-7511 / FAX (310) 235-7500

Marine Corps
Director, Marine Corps Public Affairs
Motion Picture and Television Liaison
10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1230
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 235-7272 / FAX (310) 235-7274



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