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Carbon Sequestration
MVA Project Descriptions

BNL: In Field, Continuous, Non-Invasive Soil Carbon Scanning System
Project # 13WO205-AACH133

Primary Performing Organization
Brookhaven National Laboratory

This project will develop a scanning system based on Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) for monitoring and verifying temporal changes in soil carbon and other elements on site over large areas. INS is an experimental technique used in condensed matter research to study atomic and molecular motion and magnetic and crystal field excitations. Proof-of-principle has been demonstrated in double-blind field studies where INS results were calibrated successfully against chemical analyses of core samples from the same site. The benefit from such a system would be the capability to monitor below-ground carbon balances without disturbing the soil, and to enable continuous scanning of large areas, thereby providing a true mean carbon concentration in soil. Collaboration with soil scientists from USDA will be established for final system testing.

The work product of the project will include the development of a robust nondestructive analytical device for on-site soil carbon analysis (SCAN). A prototype will be constructed and investigated both analytically and experimentally using the scan system to identify any factors that may affect the calibration and sensitivity of the soil carbon measurement.

The objectives of this project are: (1) to design and construct an INS system for continuous soil carbon scanning, and (2) to characterize, calibrate, and test the INS system in a calibrated sand pit and in well-characterized fields.

Project Manager: Pierina Noceti,

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