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Carbon Sequestration
MVA Project Descriptions

Basic Science of Retention Issues, Risk Assessment & Measurement, Monitoring & Verification for Geologic CO2 Sequestration
Project # NT42262

Primary Performing Organization
Montana State University

The primary project goal is to perform basic science and technology development to fill critical needs of DOE’s Carbon Sequestration Program, specifically in the areas of measurement, monitoring, and verification (MMV), improvement of computational techniques, risk assessment, mitigation, and fundamental geoscience studies of carbon dioxide (CO2) properties. Supporting this project is the Center for Zero Emissions Research and Technology (ZERT). The ZERT partners whose work will support the Montana State University (MSU) project include:

  • National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL)
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Project # ESD04-032
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) #FWP-46379
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Project # FWP-46379
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Project # FEW-0137

NETL will perform research on geologic sequestration in coal seams, the fundamentals of CO2 flow through porous media, and simulation, experimentation, and validation of MMV technologies as part of the ZERT program.

LBNL will focus on developing fundamental knowledge needed to assure successful CO2 storage in saline formations and hydrocarbon reservoirs.

The PNNL project will focus on research associated with advanced reservoir simulation, leakage and micro-seepage of CO2 from underground storage reservoirs, thermo-chemistry and hydrodynamics of supercritical CO2 brine mixtures, leak prevention methods, and field testing of MMV.

LANL will address the scientific basis for predicting the performance of engineered geologic CO2 storage sites, key monitoring needs for such geologic repositories, and remediation strategies should a site exceed performance thresholds.

LLNL will look at field work to understand the factors that control CO2 fate and transport and to test monitoring technologies. They will also try to develop a versatile integrated model to aid in geologic storage site risk assessment and planning.

In the manner described, ZERT is dedicated to reducing uncertainties and thus facilitating decision-making with respect to the deployment of Carbon Sequestration to curtail greenhouse gas emissions for climate change mitigation.

Project Manager: Dawn Deel,

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