Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Natural Resource Specialists

Do buzz words like ecosystem management, environmental protection, and resource conservation hold special meaning for you?

If so, check out Reclamation's exciting job opportunities in the natural resources field. The water development projects our agency built during the 20th century have had negative as well as beneficial impacts on the indigenous wildlife, fishes and plants of the West. Today, Reclamation is working to rehabilitate or maintain natural ecosystems that existed before the rivers were harnessed, and to protect species and natural lands from further harm. Whether designing and monitoring the impacts of a man-made flood through the Grand Canyon, helping native fish populations grow, or ensuring construction, operation and maintenance activities meet Endangered Species Act criteria and other environmental protection laws, this field of work will continue to grow and offer challenging career opportunities well into the future.


Vertical Line

Administrative Support Specialists


Civil EngineeringTechnicians

Computer Specialists


Engineering Equipment Operators

Hydroelectric Plant Mechanics


Job Corps Teachers & Training Technicians

Natural Resource Specialists

Powerplant Control Room Operators

Student Programs

. . . and more

For Questions and Comments
Last revised: July 21, 2005
For Questions and Comments
Last revised: July 21, 2005