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 Hearings: Testimony this is an invisible spacer image
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Testimony Of
John K. Lopez, SDV, Chairman
Association for Service Disabled Veterans
110 Maryland Ave., NE, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20002
July 27, 2005

Good afternoon Members, I would like to thank you for your kind invitation to present the views of the Association for Service Disabled Veterans (ASDV) regarding the important matters before the Committee.
Without objection, I shall summarize my testimony and submit my full statement for the record.
The 25 million military veterans of our nation thank the Chairman and Ranking Members of the Committee and Subcommittees for the compassionate and responsible leadership that they have demonstrated in the development of veterans entrepreneurship.
H.R. 3082, “THE VETERAN OWNED SMALL BUSINESS PROMOTION ACT OF 2005”, is a splendid example of the Committees concern and focus, in responding to the veteran need for rehabilitation and transition assistance.
H.R. 3082 gives specific authority to the Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) to accept direct responsibility for the provision of benefit to the veterans, and especially, the service disabled veteran. It puts the task to that agency specifically established for the purpose of serving “those who bore the battle”.
H.R. 3082 also puts focus on a more direct and specific course of action for USDVA efforts, as we have experienced with P.L. 106-50 and P.L. 108-183. The legislated intent of the U.S. Congress has been variously interpreted by regulators due to the necessity for inserting and parsing of the required language, statements and references, of existing regulations and public laws.
H.R. 3082 is a welcome clarification of the resolve of the Committee to clearly state the public willingness to assist in the rehabilitation of our nations veterans.
H.R. 3082 also clarifies the misconception that Veterans Entrepreneurship and the proposed act is a socio-economic development initiative or a cultural inequity panacea.
It is not!!
H.R. 3082 is a specified contribution to that continuing obligation of our nation to rehabilitate those veterans that sacrifice for our nations security and prosperity.
There is no justification for requiring that service disabled veteran indemnification and rehabilitation be adjusted to the conduct of any other government program.
The service disabled veterans government service incurred misery is unique! Future generations of American military heroes will be forever indebted to the 106th, 107th, 108th, and 109th Congress, and especially the 109th Congress, for their commitment to honor and support those killed, maimed, and tortured in the continuing struggle to provide security and prosperity for the people of the world.
Those Iraqi-Afghanistan veterans returning from harms way are experiencing a different outreach from others who have served and that is a tribute to the consciences of the Members of the U.S. Congress.
We ask that the Congress enact H.R. 3082 expeditiously and that the Congress stay acutely engaged in a process of verifying that the intent of the legislation is implemented!
Thank you for your attention. I would be pleased to answer any questions the Members may have.

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