Project Descriptions
Financial Info
Key Dates
How To Apply

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Faculty and Student Teams Program

questioning Project Descriptions

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Risk and Decisions Sciences Group

Requesting applications from science, economics or engineering faculty members at institutions serving students underrepresented in science, engineering, mathematics and technology.

Project Description

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission requires that holders of nuclear power plant licenses submit Licensee Event Reports (LER) for predetermined reportable conditions associated with the performance of the plant and plant safety features.  These reports are used to generate trending information about plant system performance and plant safety.  The current analysis of these reports is done using relational databases.  This project will be performing an analysis of a set of LERs using data visualization tools.  The purpose of the work is to determine if the current analytical products on performance and safety can be produced without the additional tasks of loading LER information into databases and to discover any as yet undiscovered significant relationships in the corpus of reports.

Applicants Responsibilities and Relationship to Project

Applicants will receive support under the Department of Energy Faculty Student Team Research Program (FaST) to work collaboratively with the project research team at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for up to 10 weeks during the year starting in June. Summer and academic year visits to Pacific Northwest will be scheduled by mutual agreement between the Systems Risk and Analysis Group and the successful applicant. Ideally faculty will work at Pacific Northwest on the project for 10 weeks during the summer in the first year. Faculty will be expected to identify students from their campus to participate in the Undergraduate Research Participation programs offered by the Department of Energy at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Ideally Faculty will provide mentorship and/or advising support to students during the summer research activities. It is expected that the Faculty member will become an integral part of the research team working on this project and will support the project through the academic year on her or his campus.

Qualifications of Ideal Candidate

Faculty: Specific capabilities required include expertise in data analysis, statistics, and database systems. Willing to work at PNNL for ten weeks in Summer.
Student: Working towards a BS or BA. Works well in collaboration with faculty, other students, and researchers. Willing to work at PNNL for ten weeks in Summer.

Support and Financial Commitments

See Financial Information.

For More Information contact:

Elaine King, Program Manager
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
E-mail: elaine.king@pnl.gov
(509) 375-2390

Jonathan Young
Systems Risk and Analysis Group
Environmental Technology Division
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Box 999 , K7-97
Richland , WA 99352
(509) 375-4510